Asshole - most non-biking road users (let's be honest)
Burn-out - the swan song for a once loved back tyre (better to burn out than to fade away) Breakdown truck - see Ducati
Chocolate - essential bike kit Coffee - a great way warm those winter fingers
Ducati - shortly after the invention of Ducatis another vehicle was seen on the roads see Breakdown truck
Effinell - often spoken to car drivers thanking them for paying attention whilst driving a ton of metal at lethal speeds, see Asshole.
Full (as in full tilt, full throttle) the other type of fun you can have with your right hand.
Grinder - often used to add 'got my knee down' marks to knee sliders.
GATSO - Government Approved Taxation & Spending Office. This is the arm of the Government that erects handy tax collection points by the roadside. The money collected from these machines goes into Road Improvement Policy Office (RIPOFF) and you get collector points. Once you have 12 you get to save money on fuel costs and spend hours on under-funded public transport.
Hand - (as in signals, gestures) mainly used to convey messages such as Government Approved Taxation & Spending Office (GATSO) ahead, Police 'safety' trap or thank you Mr Volvo I really did enjoy guessing you next move it made my day doubly interesting hence showing you my thanks with two fingers.
Instant friends - leather and helmets often can be seen to create instant friends. Though in sharp contrast to instant noodles which require hot water instant friends only require a friendly smile or beer.
Jump on - instruction to pillion.
Kin ell - expression of admiration.
Leather. Enough said.
Mates - see instant friends.
Numpty - car or bike user who fails to comply with rules of the road.
Open road - often sites of GATSO and 'Safety' traps, becoming rare.
Police - two varieties of the species exist. Homo Porcus is a friendly and helpful chap or chapess who acknowledges the beauty of speed and provided they are treated with care these are often relatively harmless. The other branch of this tree is Homo Somethingtoproveus Porcus, this is widely believed to have spawned from an ill-fated match of Gollum and Margaret Thatcher. There is no known antidote to an encounter with the latter.
Quick - something often said to hide the fact a quick ride out will actually turn into a full day with three tanks of petrol, fish and chips hundreds of miles away and a grin that lasts until the front door.
R1 - one of the most popular bikes on eBay when people realise they do not have the skill to ride like Rocket Valentino Foggy after all.
Stand - a very useful bit of metal used for preventing the bike from falling over (especially at petrol stations) and cracking your radiator.
The other arf - your counterpart who is usually polarised for or against bikes.
Umbrella - using one on a bike is not really recommended.
V - a popular configuration of motorcycle engines that looks rather nice.
W-an-ke-r - both the other use of the right hand and a popular name for children born around 1960 - 1975 who have taken to driving 'family' cars, with their eyes closed and brain removed.
Xylophone - a handy pastime to take with you to occupy you whilst waiting for the breakdown truck - see Ducati.
Z - a comic depiction of someone sleeping as you may be by now....
A note to Ducati owners, I'm kidding so don't get all hurt. :)
Homo Somethingtoproveus Porcus, this is widely believed to have spawned from an ill-fated match of Gollum and Margaret Thatcher. There is no known antidote to an encounter with the latter.