Its gonna be ACE! If i do it well, you'll be able to see all the photos that a user has tagged themselves in just by viewing their photos (in their profile).
ok it's far from finished, but I've changed the events section to begin with. Go click on your photos to identify yourself, and let me know if it works ok. The system is FAR from finished however, and I need to know about any errors you encounter.
The final version will allow Kwak and myself to delete any tags (Rather than just our own). The photo's owner/uploader will also be able to edit all the tags on the image.
Profiles will also include all your tagged photos. I'm just waiting for the site to get back to speed so I can start development more.
Any abuse of the new tagging system, no matter how funny you're trying to be, will result in the tagging facility being completely removed for your account and IP.
Matt said: Tell me if your username/link appears EXACTLY where you clicked.
Erm...Nope, all I got was a pic of a house with everyone elses name on it. I actually landed on Lula's name
So, Matt, where it says 'tagged' (whatever that means) on my profile how does it work? I uploaded another pic to see what to do but it was exactly the same as before. No different instructions.
Please explain in words of 1 syllable or I'll have to start knitting meself another blonde wig
Matt I did try it and thought it was a good idea to add my name to the pics of me in each event I have been to but what I am not happy about is how my pictures are appearing on other peoples profiles under the heading of tagged. I have had a wink today from someone, went to their profile pics and theirs my picture appearing on their profile, I have never spoken let alone met this person so am not at all happy with being on their profile. I have just looked at lula's profile and I find my pics are also on there under the heading of tagged, I don't mind people who I am friends with having a pic of me on their profile as a mate but as for total strangers then I am not happy about that especially as one of the people with my pics on their profile is attached/cohabiting/married and the last thing I want is to be sited for seeing an attached person, it's something I have very strong morals on.
hey CG, did you not think it was a bit of a coincidence that the photo you tagged was on everyones profile? lol :-)
Basically it was showing the tagged fotos of who was logged in, rather than the actual profile u were viewing.
Fixed in 10 seconds, let me know now what u think
oh sorry Kwak, here's the answer to the blonde question lol....
Go to events, find yourself, click on yourself... now the pic youve "Tagged" appears in your profile
Quote Matt:
ok quick questions.... if you could add a tag to images (Say in events for example) to show who you are in a foto... would you use the feature?
Matt's further comment:
Go to events, find yourself, click on yourself... now the pic youve "Tagged" appears in your profile
And ya wonder WHY I get confused. Your original comment made me think you meant we could add text to our pic, in an event, so we were identified.
Finally the fog lifts!
We could always copy pics any time. I've already done it with a couple of them. Now I know what ya mean I reckon that shoulda been at the bottom of the 'to do' list. Top of it would be an 'edit' button for members individual posts. Just MHO.
I think this gives more functionality. As an admin/mod, I never get asked by people to edit their posts and I never see many problems with people's postings. Plus its rarely requested.
Regarding tagging your own fotos - thats next. I just did the events section for now so that I could see if it works.
Many times folk have commented that they wish there was an edit button for their posts. Maybe you could start a poll for that?
Now I'm confused again, 'tagging our own photos' ?? Ive never heard of tagging before so humour me, how does tagging our own photos work? I think I'm right that a tagged member pic, in an event, means that the pic is linked to that member's profile?
Thanks for that Matt, yeah I did wonder why every picture I had tagged appeared on everyones profile that I looked at.
Thanks for sorting that out, your bound to get little hic ups with new things on the web site.
I think an edit button for our own posts would be great. Must admit most of the time I do now click on the preview button before actually posting my messages on a thread, wonder how many people don't realise you can actually do that.