Hey all how's it goin? So I've recently moved back to Oxfordshire after nearly 10 years in Essex and am looking for new people, places, and things to do...if ya have any ideas give me a shout.
Hi mozie, have you checked the events calendar? or failing that, do a full search in your area!! Has got to be a few folk close to you!
You could also try to organise a meet yourself and see if you can drum up interest......you have nothing to lose!! If you need help give me a shout
Well...nothin seems to happen around here with the exception of Reading bike nite every Thursday...and that's not really my end of town. What's goin on... Is the Gloc in oxford still a rock pub Is Harleys or Fox's or wotever it might be. Called now still there and do peeps still meet there. God it's so quiet here now lol.
Try that link.. but there is a Meet at Hein Gerrick near the roundabout in Oxon on Sundays at 3pm and Thursday evenings I do believe.. Monday nights in Bernisfield at the Honda Garage and on Wednesday nights at the Red Lion in Avebury there's a meet with BBQ's from May onwards... Soooooooo.. get out there and fill yer boots laddie
Harleys diner is still going, I'm probably wrong but think Wed night is bike night. I was down the road from you all Easter camping at Lechlade, had mates coming and going all weekend, Faringdon is my way in and out.