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Newbies Forum


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 Posts: 6       Pages: 1/1

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just saying hi to you all,looking forward to making new friends in sussex and all over the country

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falco boy @ 06/05/2012 23:09  

Hello Falco.

Enjoy yourself on here ... I have!

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Riggy66 @ 07/05/2012 08:48  

All over the country is about right on here so grab a life jacket and jump in waters always warm and inviting

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JP @ 07/05/2012 08:57  

Welcome to the site falco boy, good bunch of folk on here, plenty going on - check out the events calendar - will no doubt meet up at an event soon enough..

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old red @ 07/05/2012 11:26  

hi welcome jump in enjoy

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kaycat @ 07/05/2012 21:46  

Welcome to the mad house. You'll have fun, check out the events page

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TigerTim @ 08/05/2012 11:46  

 Posts: 6       Pages: 1/1

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