Join the M.A.G Protest Ride, London Area 24th June
See events:-
Starts at London Gateway Services (formerly Scratchwood services). Time not given yet. But you can join in at various points on the route. For instance Ace cafe at 10-30am.
This is an attempt to be noticed by your MEP and hopefully the media, for them to lobby on our behalf at Brussels.
We need a voice and we need a loud voice to conserve our rights as bikers.
If you haven't got a bike try to get a pilly.
Come on all you riders in the London area. Use this opportunity to show your dissatisfaction of new legislation.
Maintain your individual rights to ride what bike you like.
Join the run on the 24th June
See link to events above
It was raining this morning but OK well before the ride.
I had to work in Bracknell in the morning, so it was a struggle to drive home, get my gear on and ride back to the Ace. But just made it. It was well worth doing
Aww never mind David, next time eh? *smile*
(icons/smileys aren't working for me this morning)
The bleddy text colour aint working either *tuts* and *sighs* lol