Hi All
Know what you mean, I should also be at R&B but wasnt to be for various reasons so a bit miffed about missing out lol!!! I know and hear from some who are - like a mud bath setting up but thankfully, they're having some ok weather now. The bands and atmosphere sound good - Im glad for them but sad for me - mud not a problem when you're partying and having fun all weekend is it lol!!! Oh well, Bulldog next for me, not missing out again and hopefully, will get to more next summere - thats if we have one lol!!! TC those of you out on your bikes this weekend and hope you have a good time, even if, like me, you didnt make R&B!!!! x x
sorry i was out partying with some colleagues from work. We got a great boss who took us for food and beer all night (Again lol).
Just off out 2 a birthday now, then going clubbing later. So will have to say goodnight now all, and will speak to you tomorrow.
I couldn`t afford to go to the r n b so i`m stuck here but been for a run out in the sunshine this afternoon , at the same time trying to save some pennies for next weekend because i`m at the yorkshire pudding rally
Bad news guys, rain in devon heading up country, been out on the bike regardless and decided to wrap up in bin bags as well as carrier bags on the feet, is there any wet weather gear that really works!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Ps, anyone want to clean some bikes???
Well I should have gone to either the R&B or a bike rally in Cambridge and haven't made either for one reason and another so am stuck at home.
Hopefully going to make the Ryans Ryde one next weekend, see you there anyone thats going.
If your going an fancy sending me a pm so we can meet up that would be great of if you look for a VSOC flag with Centre 8 on it I will be camped near there
well bike has now had a oil change and ready to be taken out for a spin
no rain so i am off out for a spin while i can.
Lou you should join me sometime as we are local to each other.
I wish I had stayed indoors now.......I obviously skipped the part in the manual that said sports bikes don't do grass.....TWAT TWAT...yes I dropped the would call her bitch but was the dozy cow riding it that should be shot...
So now have a nice few scratches...she coughed and spluttered a bit...well she did end up upside down, but she's forgiven me now..which is more than i can say for me....
Thou good news for the nervous mother....apparently I can jump like a kanga to get out the way...good soddin job as me thinks me leg would be in plaster now....
Loobylou, i've been riding for well over 20 years and I still managed to drop the bike on muddy ground last week. If it had been a new bike would have been 300-odd quid to fill the scratches, replace one broken panel and a wing mirror and respray, but it's a 15 year old bike and all it's cost me is time, superglue and some damage to my pride.
Happens to everyone...keep on smiling
Quote CruiserGal " Bikes can be fixed a lot easier than people, what happened."
Unless you have a 20 year old GSX like me in which case a broken arm is preferable to, well, ANYTHING needing fixing on the bike.
I've been working long into the night to try and make up for the fact no bugger is coming to this hole that is Blackpool because of the weather.
There is a definite sense of calm without the R&B rabble - enjoy it. It wont last.
Oh and Matt?? For the record - YES we are all very jealous. You can stop rubbing it in now or you may cause me to want to emigrate to Holland and lower the tone of the neighbourhood.