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General Chat/Anything Goes

Damage Caused By Smoking

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Damage Caused By Smoking

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DAMAGE CAUSED BY SMOKING Smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers Smoking contributes to coronary artery disease which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke It does huge damage to the lungs and massively increases the risk of lung cancer Smoking also increases the risk of other cancers such as oral, uterine, liver, kidney, bladder, stomach and cervical cancer Exposure to secondhand smoke can reduce lung function, exacerbate respiratory problems, trigger asthma attacks, reduce coronary blood flow, irritate eyes, and cause headaches and nausea Smoking in pregnancy greatly increases the risk of miscarriage and is also associated with lower birth weightIts one way to keep the population down.

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Deleted User @ 01/07/2012 09:30  

I'm safe then. I've made it into my 50s

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Gloom @ 01/07/2012 10:57  

No ur not .. Thats just a false sense of security

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Deleted User @ 01/07/2012 11:12  

Diesel fumes are now considered as damaging as passive smoking, drinking rots your liver, half the chemicals we come into contact on a daily basis are carcinogenic and due to nanny legislation riding motorbikes is rapidly becoming a no no.

I smoke, I drink, I ride and I take pleasure from all three.

When will people accept that an informed decision by a legally sane adult is their right. Education not legislation is the way forward

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Gloom @ 01/07/2012 11:43  

Hmmmm, I don't believe that there is any concrete medical evidence currently to prove smoking does more damage than say, pollution does.
Or any medical evidence at all to prove smoking does any damage actually.
Until there is I don't think many smokers will listen to any lectures on the 'dangers' of it.
People can do what they want with their bodies as Gloom says.

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Deleted Member @ 01/07/2012 12:26  

without the tax on tobacco the county would be in even deeper poo. but if they stop selling it to me then I will stop smoking it. what do the government expect us to do buy tobacco and then not smoke it ?. then we can all live long enough to get dementia and be a burden on the country and our family's.

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yzfsam @ 01/07/2012 13:35  

"Smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers"

Oooh i gave up at 23 ..does that mean I am safe

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X Beanz X @ 01/07/2012 14:00  

well as a none smoker i can say for sure it definitely exacerbates my asthma however im all for free choice...if you choose to smoke thats ok and i dont believe my choice not to smoke is any more important than yours.....i would just choose not to stand next to you will you do it.

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kwakgirl @ 01/07/2012 14:29  

I agree with free choice..
If you want to stand next to me and smoke causing me to inhale your passive smoke, then you wont mind me pissing over you when my bladder is full...

I love being a non smoker... Food tastes so much better mmmmmmmm

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Deleted User @ 01/07/2012 15:32  

I've nothing against you choosing not to smoke and while I personally don't get off on Golden Showers you may get some takers on here

I assume you are an ex-smoker. If you're not then you are not qualified to make the statement about food tasting better. Personally I don't think a Donna Kebab with lashing of Chilli sauce consumed at 2am will taste any different to a smoker or non-smoker

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Gloom @ 01/07/2012 15:41  

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Deleted User @ 01/07/2012 15:49  

Lulu there's loads medical evidence, 85% of lung cancer in the UK is caused by tobacco smoke (and it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack )
Also causes Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, for which there is no cure and also a killer The only hope to prevent that disease worsening is to stop smoking
(Ive nursed people with this, ..not pretty )

There has been recent research into effects of diesel fumes, as Gloom said,which also causes cancer but more evident in people who are exposed to high amounts due to their work.

The NHS and the British Heart Foundation do try to provide the information, help and support but maybe it needs more general health promotion rather than targeting the ones already sick or the ones who are trying to give up.

The lungs improve their functionality dramatically over a very short period of time. There's an increase of 30% capacity after 2 - 3 months and all the extra carbon monoxide is removed from the body within 24 hours of quitting.

Is an individuals choice, and I agree education not legislation, informed consent is better

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Deleted Member @ 01/07/2012 15:59  

Do you mind if I light up a fag while I think about this

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davidneale @ 01/07/2012 16:02  

Yes there are increased risks to health from smoking but I have only ever heard of a correlation being found between smoking and lung cancer in the 1950's, perhaps there is concrete scientific medical evidence but I've never seen it publicised anywhere.
All the other diseases related to smoking can be caused by other factors just as easily.
Im a non-smoker by the way.
Oh and to be honest I fail to see why this was posted on this site, none of us need lectures on drinking, smoking or any other contentious issues, Im quite happy to be lectured in the mechanics and basic maintenance of a motorbike but nothing else.
Therefore I shall refrain from any further posts in this thread

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Deleted Member @ 01/07/2012 16:08  

Feylin, you won't get any argument from me about the harmful effects of smoking but looking at the latest figures for the cause of death in the UK I see a jump by dementia to third place, which I can only assume is due to people dodging the heart attack and cancer by leading healthier lives.

That is not the way I want to go. Yes I know cancer is a bad way to go out but at least I'd still be able to hold an intelligent conversation with my kids. Dementia on the other hand scares the sh!t out of me. So I'll stick to my bad habits and keep my passport up to date just in case I ever need to book a ticket to Switzerland.

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Gloom @ 01/07/2012 16:15  


its posted under the heading General Chat/Anything Goes

Its just something that I found on the BBC website and thought it was good to bring it to peoples attention. No one asked you to comment on the post. Its all personal choice, same as smoking is

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Deleted User @ 01/07/2012 16:20  

I've read this.. all of it.. whilst having a cigarette... I really enjoyed my cigarette.. it came with coffee.. huge mug of.. and a cooky from Sainsbury's... The house is quiet.. David is back off down to Swindon.. Minx is with her dad.. Lydia Dah'ling downstairs has her tv turned off.. the next door neighbours aren't having really loud sex.. the cats are asleep and I never get any hassle from the snake anyway... I really really enjoyed my cigarette!! And.. I shall probably have another one after posting this.. smile at it and say.. not long now sunshine.. so long dear beloved friend... I am Aware of the Risks.. the Damage it does to me... But I have to quit in just over two weeks time.. with the aid of some "miracle" tablet... And I'm none to impressed at the prospect.. because I enjoy it.. it's as close to living life on the edge that I'm every likely to get lmao... I'm only quitting because I can't afford to smoke anymore.. Not because I'm educated in the dangers of...

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rockchickeelicious @ 01/07/2012 16:28  

lol @ David

Gloom, i agree with you.
I'm an ex smoker, but only a social smoker, take it or leave it , ciggi with my pint kinda girl.
I didnt give up for any health of financial reason, just decided i didnt want to smoke anymore and stopped. Though I still have a rare occasional roll up if i fancy, just cos i can.

Dementia is a life shortening illness, no known cause so maybe with the change in demographics ,more elderly,this is reflected in the figures, moving dementia up to third place ? just a thought.

A living will an option then ?My kids already know that off to Switzerland we go if i start down that dementia path

I don't want my kids to have to make the decision or have to care for me, nor would I have wanted my parents to suffer that level of senility either but dementia patients in my opinion ( not for them obviously ) are the "best" to care for the quality of life however, (to an outsider) is poor.

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Deleted Member @ 01/07/2012 16:36  

OMG thanks for all this invaluable information! Dunno if you heard but there are also risks involved in riding motorcycles

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Minnie the Minx @ 01/07/2012 16:38  


COPD ( chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ) is caused by smoking and only caused by smoking not by any other factors

other diseases i may have mentioned at put at an increased risk if the person is a smoker

I dont judge anyone by the choices they make
RC enjoy and good luck with the quitting x

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Deleted Member @ 01/07/2012 16:44  

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