I'm sorry folks, but I just have to share this with you all........I've won a pilly lap of Brands this Saturday @ the BSB & Spesh has won a Grid walk for the final race on Sunday wooohooooooooooo.......
Stalking alert....Stalking alert.......
Thanks to having our Bike insurance with MCE
If someone is brewing I'll have a cup o' tea please, milk no sugar
ROFLMHO must be the funniest thread since the last one, you all making me laugh
Nice one Spesh and Stella
it's ok Sandi - I'll 'deal' with him when he gets home!
**wanders off muttering...if he thinks he's not taking ME on this grid walk..........***
& Noddy - get yourself insured with MCE & Join the CLub MCE experience... this will be my 3rd win so far
L.U.C.K.Y girl Stella....will have a look & see if they can get close to Adrian Flux......health permitting hoping to do a few track days next year so mite manage to drag the old man along to give me a few tips!