There's a Party in Birmingham.. There's a Party in East Anglia and I'm gutted because I can't make either and I have party shoes and lip gloss going spare...
Soooooooooo.. what do you think loves... Anyone interested in having a little party up here.. and if you are.. when and where exactly...
And yes.. because there are probably only going to be four of us max.. we could have it here at the "House of Lush" and have stopovers and "do the Quay or something"
Just thoughts.. let me know what you think.. and even if you don't have a hope of making it.. join in anyway so I don't feel like a prom queen wannabe without a date at Christmas
Yup im up for it!! let me know if anything is happening, it would be great to meet up, be warned half a bottle of alcho pop and im passed out.........shamefully lightweight and dont even get me started on the wine gums!!
wooooop starting to gather a grand little possie, watch out newcastle here we come I too am in a very xmassie mood, roll on December and all my takky xmas decor comes out!! love it
When you've made up your mind as to "where" it will be
I'd like to be considered as an attendee
Although it wouldn't be much of a night out
If I couldn't have a or 3 cos I have to ride home
So I'd need somewhere to crash in the area
Any offers
i am always up for a beer or several choose a date as soon as poss. might be working but there is always time off for good behaviour. not that im good when im out ha ha ha
Don't do christmass (bloody middle eastern religions coming over here and nicking our festivals etc etc) but I'll come along and celebrate Yule with y'all
Cheers Sandra
When it's all sorted I'll be hoping to take up your offer
Just need Anne to get a venue and date fixed
Then it looks like we got ourselves a
I have to agree with centurion
A seasonal wassail at yuletide will do for me
Well I don't care what you call it.. as long as you enjoy it! And wickedly pleased to see folk wanting to come!! I bags PurpleBetty to stay!!
Okay.. the way I see it.. we have two options on dates...
We can hijack XK's Eigth December as he's now thinking later so I won't feel guilty about it.. and you can always pretend you are in a log cabin.. there's tonnes of trees outside!
or we can have it on the Fifteenth December.. thus we are all together on the Sunday as between us Sandra and I can put you all up and we can go to Squires Christmas Lunch in a wee possie..
And as you are staying over.. so you can drink and be merry and have copious lushness without worrying for home.. then seems silly to go to Durham so will see what is on about Band wise and free Newcastle side...
Two Dates... 8th December or 15th December.. State your preference lol cos my party shoes work on any night I tell them too
Tad confused... Did Emzed physically pick Centurion up and pop him on the side for the 8th.. and if not... can he...
Anyhoooooo... will give it a couple more days.. and then will go with the majority that have posted a preference... So far.. it's looking like the 8th..
8th December or 15th December
Rockchickeeee Rockchickeee Purplebetty Centurion (toy run on the 9th) Emzed XKYLR