Yeah one rule for one lot of drivers another for the rest. Maybe we
should show our disgust. I have not been in a big procession holding up
traffic for a while. Maybe rush hour in front of parliament on the
That news was in a local paper down here last week, with a picture of the wpc smiling .... the article was far more detailed than mcn's & I'm no longer able to find it, why am I not surprised it's gone ?
i believe this might be her??........ its on the mcn webpage along with a pic of teh guy who was riding his bike bt i didnt put pic up of him for respect reasons x
it's disgusting... recently there was a footballer who fell asleep and went head on into a biker on the a6 on way to matlock bath and he got away with it too.......
This link is to the Motorcycle Compensation website which details the incident, it is also a very informative site for bikers
Smiling because she got away with it.........If it had been a copper on a bike, and she'd been a housewife, it would be a completely different story.....
got away with murdering someone................ well what a bloody good reason to smile......
nice to know someonw with such caring and conscience is a copper ... even if she "wasnt on the phone" and "it was a total accidnet" SHE HAS MURDERED someone for no reason ................
who normal can smile after that...... getting away with taking a life is worth a smile is it..............
Don't know what all the fuss is about. It was only a biker.
Still a prevalent attitude by some parts of our caring society sadly. I don't know if the CPS were right in not charging her but ffs she could have shown remorse for causing the death of a poor sod who's only mistake was being on the road at the same time she was.