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Newbies Forum

Hello from darkest Aiberdeenshire

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Hello from darkest Aiberdeenshire

 Posts: 3       Pages: 1/1

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Hi there...just thocht I'd check in and say, uuhh...HI! ;)
My '83 BMW r80 G/S has been languishing at the back o' the garage for too long now, and I have taken it into my heid to get her oot and aboot on the roads again. Might not be this year, but we'll get happy to meet up at some o' your rallys/rideouts whenever we're rolling again. Until then...y'all ride safe, y'hear :)
Peace and harmony to ya
DM ;)

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Dingus Magee @ 23/05/2013 21:00  

hi welcome to bm jump in enjoy

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kaycat @ 23/05/2013 21:01  

Hellooooo there, wishing you a warm welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy what it has to offer and may bump into you at an event sometime. I'm down in South Ayrshire and hope to get a Scottish event arranged - fingers crossed. All the best and ride safe

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BOBKAT @ 05/06/2013 19:44  

 Posts: 3       Pages: 1/1

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