This is just an "observation"
I'm NOT having a dig at anyone, cos lots do it
But why, when someone posts in a forum
With their name and usually a photo alongside the post
Do they add their name to the end of the post
Is it just "habit"
Yes. Tis amusing... Unless of course I have PMT or am just in a plain bad mood then it annoys the feck out of me
Bless 'em... Folk and their little idiosyncrasies
...Like me with these stoopid emoticons!
Haven't a clue my old mate...
Ahhh....Maybe they put their actual name as a way of introducing themselves proper!!
I've been on here since 08 and I'll bet there's not many knew my name apart from old red..
old red..
I do it all the time , including texts . Grammar school education and letter writing generation. If it annoys some people , great . I do enjoy a bit of mischief . Lol Dusty x
Sorry to stick my oar in but NGB in my opinion, sounds like a gas service provider or something...No ideas either though sorry!
Back to adding names at the end of forums...Why do some folk take everything so seriously?It's just a bit of (one hopes), slightly amusing, witty banter over a silly subject and "No" I don't seriously get feckin' annoyed when people put their names at the end of a contribution. Doh!
DUSTIN666 ooh...what a grammar school rebel you are! I used to write letters and I knew how to spell too. That might surprise you as I only attended a secondary modern (but we played hockey,had a swimming pool,track fields, tennis courts and room for several ponies)