Hello, I did introduce myself a little back but circumstances have prevented me from logging on.
Anyone going to BMF next weekend? Anyone meeting up?
I'll be down there with a few mates!
Also I'm buying my first house (well flat) I'm really nervous and mildly confused, any advice for a first time buyer! hahahaha
Well, I'm based in Peterborough so if anyone wants to go for a BMF ride etc, then just give me a shout!
Cruiser gal, car is best anyway so you can put all the goodies in the car!
Yeah agree there, don't think I have done it on my bike yet. In fact I usually take my caravan and make a good week end there.
Do you know where the camping is for this one is it still away from the site? like for the start of season one.
Yeah agree there, don't think I have done it on my bike yet. In fact I usually take my caravan and make a good week end there.
Do you know where the camping is for this one is it still away from the site? like for the start of season one.
I think it may be at elton hall again because of the building work on the showground site, but I haven't been there for a while due to the old flat and moving etc.
I can imagine it must be daunting if you're buying on your own. I was married to a man in the forces, which meant I spent a lot of time on my own, and it fell on my shoulders to sort out everything including home buying.
Good luck with it all.
hi all,
Well looks like i'll be going at some point over the weekend. Meeting a mate who happens to live in Peterborough and as Florrie is off the road at the mo, will prob be going in the car! Mmmm. got a shopping list! hee hee
Well me is gonna do what us girls do best - spend! On me!!!!!
with flats watch out for maintenece costs!!if ex councill an they do the maintenece contract they can saddle yu with huge bills for maintenece,which has happened in some london ex councill blocks where the councill are the maitenace contractors ,nice little earner!!as with the builders who run the mantainence contracts can be as high as 2000 a yr[or more] in some cases!average is about about 50 a month.some blocks flats[older] have shared freehold where the maintenace costs are decided by the freeholders ,[yu generally pay into a pot which is kept for maintenace uses]which yu as one of the freeholders would be one of a commitee[yu may end up as chairman of the commitee!] these offer at least some control,on costs!!an yu can tender out for estimates on job costs!!
I have to pay £63 a month for maintainace so I assume thats it :S I'm only buying half the flat and renting the other half, theres no way around here someone can buy on thier own now, and I would say i earn a little bit more than average wages here but would still struggle on a mortgage 100k plus!
Hello xshastax.
The best move i made was changing to a fixed rate mortage,but you do have to keep an eye on the payments after the tie in period.Hey its better than throwing your money out of the window.