Seeing as the nodding debate seems to be the main topic of discussion this evening and the Anti Harley debate was the other night I thought I'd clear the air.....
Blackhack's guide to biking and being a biker.....
Nodding, .......You can if you want too,and to whom you want too.... But It's not compulsory.
Real bikers.....Anyone who can swing their leg over, and/or onto a bike/trike, Is a real biker (No if's or but's).
Choice of safety gear.....Is at the discretion of the said biker/triker (and nobody else)
Choice of bike/trike....Is again at the discretion of the pilot....(What You like is of no importance to me)
The "War" between sports bike riders V cruisers V Harley riders, is all in your own little heads...They ALL have their good points and their bad, But I find that most people who criticise other bikes have never owned one and are just showing their ignorance.
KC, I'd go along with all you said. A wheel at each and an engine in between, try to be nice to people and if necessary, agree to differ...yep, that'll do me. Ride safely, folks.
Damn, I missed a good debating the other night then?! ;) Got to love a good debate.....helps us all to learn to live with one another even if we can't agree with each other. Or some bollx like that!
When's the next debate scheduled?! Maybe there should be a specific debate night with selected topic? ;D
well i dont care what you say i have my opinion as to whats a biker and whats a motorcyclist and theres no war between different bikes its just some people dont like cruisers some people do.i for one would never ride a cruiser.and yes ive ridden one and ive ridden a harley and many other bikes and to be fair its mainly the motorcyclists who say theres no difference not bikers. and as ive said to anyone who asks me its my opinion and thats all there is too it and as ive said on facebook this subject gets really boring and just causes "heated disscussions" lol in fact many people have been kicked off facebook groups over it.i know im a biker have been since i was first sat on a bike."not a motorcyclist"
Personally I don't see any difference between a 'motorcyclist' and a biker. at the end of the day we are all out there on two wheels (or three) for whatever reason you do it for,
There is enjoyment (which is me) I love just being out on it, then there's cost, practicality, etc.
when I nod at people I don't discriminate what type of machine they are on, be it Harley, sportsbike or whatever. It's their choice whether they nod back, some do, some don't.
There is the 'biker lifestyle' which I see as all your rally's etc, your bike builders, modifiers, etc. Depends on what you personally get out of it.
the overall thing for me and what I REALLY love, coming into biking at nearly 50 years old is the camaraderie.
If you get a group of car drivers turn up at say, the Bassetts pole to choose a local example, none of them will talk to the other, go about their business and depart. When you roll up on a bike and there are other bikers around, more often than not you will strike up a conversation about bikes, where you've been, places to go etc etc etc. help and advice etc
Well if you ride a bike in Europe for the most part they like to stick a leg out rather than take a hand off the handlebars or get a stiff neck I rather like the idea when passing a large group as opposed to doing the Churchill dog act if you see what I mean However whilst on a horse it's definitely legs tucked in and feet pointed straight
I used to ride in Germany a lot years ago... well just as well as I lived there lol, they don't nod nor stick their leg out... as they ride on the other side of the road, the lift a couple of fingers of the left hand or take the left hand off and give a quick wave. To me personally, a biker has bikes in his soul and heart.... it doesn't matter which bike they ride... the wind is the same for any of them
Lynn is right, as someone who lived in Holland for 9 years I never once saw anyone stick their leg out. The riders there always lift their left hand up to acknowledge riders coming in the opposite direction. Although back patchers did used to nod, if they felt like it, no matter how ''bad ass'' they thought they were.
Have to agree with Lynn just need to add a biker dont give a stuff what you ride or what you think of his/her choice of bike.
Also Deb your not a biker cus we all know bikers are men not girls.
is it getting warmer in here or is it just me ???