It's not at all like TT on here.... If I'd made a controversial comment like that (above) on TT I would have been ass whipped by the ladies and ridiculed by the guys and yet here?.... nothin'.... not even a childish snigger
See you later.... I'm off back to TT
i would have to say no i wouldnt.but then it would take a hell of a lot to get me to pilly on anyones bike!! ive seen the way a lot of people ride and to be honest i would be a screaming bubbling mess within about 5 mins lol but then my opinion is that unless you have a real valid reason ie: health i think pillys shouldnt be allowed.i know most people mainly those who dont ride will slate me for that comment but to me if you want to be on a bike learn to ride one!!!! obviously there are some people who have health issues which stop them from riding there own bikes but otherwise no pillys shouldnt be allowed being totally in charge of another persons life is not right!! not for me anyway lol
I'll give anyone a pilly on the Bonnie.... and do.... There was even one hitchhiker from Alaska complete with backpack who wanted to go from Chester to the Lakes
But the Daytona is for playing on and I've only taken Sams mates for thrill rides on that. Sports bikes are not made for long distance pillys
I used to take the kids out on the Monster from the age of six (not me.... the kids) and they loved it
And the Enfield has 18hp and one seat
It's just a matter of riding sensibly when someone is on the back. When I'm alone it's my life but with a pilly........
ps My ass is yours K
People tend to ride to their abilities. Females tend not to show off as much as males.
So,,, you're probably safer on the back of a girl than a bloke.
This isn't a comment on speed coz I know some females who ride extremely fast. One of my ex'es could show a clean pair of heels to many a male rider and she's not had an accident in the last 35 years.
Plus from a purely pervy point of view,,, yer hands on a girl's waist , a nice round bum between your thighs,,,ooh mama, bring it on lol
Now that I've no bike I been pillying with a lot of mates and some of those are gals so of course Id pilly with a girl, makes no difference to me whether the driver is male or female! Why on earth should it?
I agree with Dustin and Lu, I would and have. It depends on the level of trust between you, and on the experience of the rider, male or female. Personally I would prefer to ride pillion with a female, they don't have so much to prove as us egotistical males lol, and to cutch up to a lass in leather .........need I say more ;)