Thinking of kitting myself out in proper two piece leathers. Does anyone know of a good place to go around the Midland area, I may have to get them made to measure, not sure as everything is always too long or too short. ?? AJ
Hmmmm not happy - the alpine Stars jacket, nice as it is, has a giant, wide, stretch panel the length of your arm, thus the leather actually only covers about half way round, thus having the potential for frostbite the length of your arm on the inside. What a stupid idea. I never noticed in the shop, silly me.
So I'm going to swap it for something else.
Would be bloody great if we lived in a hot climate, but we don't.
I've just been to scott leathers in barnard castle to be measured up for a custom made 2 piece suit, I chose them because I believe they offer the best quality leathers at a reasonable cost.
e.g dainese suit costs about £800, kind of fits and is probably good for 1 maybe 2 crashes before needing repair or are totally knackered.
scott leathers made to measure suit costs £800, fits perfectly, comes in a colour combo that is exactly what you want and is good for 4 or 5 crashes before needing repair
I found that unfortunately every time I got off the bike whilst it was still moving the paramedics have a habit of cutting your leathers off leaving them completely unrepairable!
I club raced a few years ago and saw riders have fairly low speed crashes in well known makes of off the peg leathers, the damage to the leathers ranged from holes worn though the thin leather too burst seams. I have had about 5 mostly low speed crashes on a race track in my made to measure ZAK leathers, the worst was lying under my rgv250 in a formula 400 race at about 90 mph. the damage to me was severe bruising, the damage to my leathers was a bit of scuffing. the only time the paramedics will cut your leathers off is if they suspect that you have a broken bone, and if you do have a broken bone you won't care if they cut your leathers, the good thing about made to measure leathers is that if they do become damaged enough to be unusable whether through a crash or being cut off the people who made them will repair them as good as new cheaper than buying new leathers......try ringing dainese etc and asking them to repair a set of their leathers and how much it will cost!
Racing is a different ball game to going splat on the road.
Unfortunately if you have been knocked off on the road the paramedics like to get all the kit off of you 'just in case' .
This always always involves let's cut everything off of you so we can check you out with out you being moved.
Every time they have attended to me being knocked off and they arrived before I could get up its happened. Mind you the two last occasions I was in a mess. Aparantly my lower leg and foot on one was pointing backwards. And the other I had a backwards jointed knee!
I treat my leathers as one use only. If it gets more use its a bonus.
Ps it would be nice tho if paramedics could learn how to undo certain kit as it would make life easier.
I'm talking about the moron paramedic that cut my chin guard off my flip front helmet. Would have saved him minuets getting air to me if he had just pushed the bloody red button on the chin guard. And the same idiot who cut off the mx boots. In the process breaking two sets of cutters when all had to do was snip the buckles and the boots just quick release.
If your a paramedic reading this may be a good point to raise for training?
it sounds like you have needed the services of the paramedics more than most, and that without their attention you may have lost a limb or worse! it is not their job to know the technicalities of motorbike gear in fact they have far more important things to remember, like recognising the symptoms of meningitis in a toddler or how to treat a heart attack victim or how to keep a stabbing victim alive. so if the paramedic that attends me in an accident doesn't know how to remove my helmet by pushing a button so cuts it off.....i'll just be thankful that he/she was there to stop me choking on my tongue. be thankful for the good people in the world, paramedics don't get paid enough for the schit they have to deal with every day
Not having a go that the kit was cut off. After all it was one use only any going to be trashed it did its job.
What I'm trying to point out is due to trying rush or a lack of training/kit knowledge of all the above the paramedics wasted time and resources trying to get through qwickrelease kit the hard way.
If a biker can recognise a flip front lid in a shop that they have never seen before and unlatch it in a second why can't an intelligent paramedic?
And yes I am grateful they attended as saving limbs were the last thing on there minds. They were fighting to keep me alive. But 10mins training would have saved a lot of stress for the crews and a lot of time for the crews at the road side..oddly enough it was a fireman that showed the paramedic the quick way to removed my mx boot.