it's not flu unless.... there's a £50 note on the floor, just out of arms reach, and it's yours if you will just get up to get it - if you can get to the £50 note it isn't flu!
Found this and thought it might carry on the debate:
For years women have cried “man flu” when men make a fuss over a few sniffles. But a new study suggests that men may actually suffer more when they are struck down with flu - because high levels of testosterone can weaken their immune response. The study by Stanford University School of Medicine, examined the reactions of men and women to vaccination against flu. It found women generally had a stronger antibody response to the jab than men, giving them better protection against the virus. Men with lower testosterone levels also had a better immune response, more or less equivalent to that of women.
that cleared that up then,,,,,, I feel much better knowing that,,,,must have been one of those university studies like the one to find out why cornflakes went soggy when you put milk on them.. This is MAN FLU,,,,, lol
Lol, I found a cereal that doesn't go soggy and taste fantastic.......but if I tell you about that I might find the shelves empty! (I have 3 and a half boxes in cupboard) :D
Lol, you poor thing......oh hang on...I'm falling for that.....I'm too Ill trick! The women won't thank me for telling you man flu is real......this could have a knock on effect!!! God help