well I've been promising it for a few weeks now, and a few people have had a sneak preview. But it's now finally live - the new events calendar.
I'm expecting a few problems, errors, etc. if you find anything wrong with it please let me know asap.
Key new features:
Intuitive design (easy to follow, friendly to search)Highly efficient and responsive (no slow page refreshes)Search events only in the weekendsSearch events only where your friends/favs are attendingSearch events only with photos addedImmediately see distances to/from events, people, lift requests etc if you're logged in (or searched by postcode)See how many people are attending + how many of your friendsDirectly see the duration of the event (in hours or days)Lift requests show distance between you and the other person, and also the distance between them and the event Plus lots lots more. I'm really curious what you all think. I know I wont please everyone, but I've put weeks and weeks of work into this so I hope most of you prefer it. Functionally it's much better, it's more powerful, faster and modern.
I have to say that I agree with Rags, it was easier to flick to the month you wanted and view exactly the weeks you needed to with little waste of time. This new format, although innovative and very chic, seems a little time consuming and easy to miss events unless you have a lot of time spare to scroll through every month in sequence. Time will tell if I will be going through the calendar very often myself so I might miss a few events. I am going to have to stand on the no side with this one, sorry.
How could it be improved in your opinion? Specifically what could I do to make it easier
The old calendar was just awful, prehistoric, rushed, and sad looking. And unless you knew exactly where each event look place you had to go into them all one by one to see the location (then Google if you don't know where it is)
How about getting rid of all the settings preferences (putting them on the profile settings) at the top and putting a at a glance view of the events and then if someone wants more info of the event they can then scroll down and get it.
Please only put the birthdays of active members ie those who have logged on in, say, the last year. Otherwise, there are just too many to check thru if u wanna say happy birthday to a friend.
Ragnar, i cannot visualise how you mean to be honest. The options are there deliberately to make the calendar customisable, quickly searchable, etc - even for people who are not logged in and have no profile settings.
XK, no problem, that can be arranged. Say last 6 months active?
what is hiden behind events calender would be nice to read what is shown on the event ie dates etc not stamped over whats hapening (just an observation)
From an events team member it's no good on my phone I need to see the weekends and more of a time spread looking at 1 month is not going to help I will be back and forth trying to fit stuff in and your working over say 30th June 2 July that could be a pain hope it's better on the laptop