Hi folks am thinking of a trip to Eire on bikes and as you know am just a newbie so I wondered if you had any tips please ? In particular I am a bit worried about the roads out of the port of Dublin . I think they might be a bit too much for this country girlie just yet .
Thanks x
hi j depends what you want to see,if you want Dublin centre be prepared for traffic jams like you never seen before,if you want out of the city just get onto the M50 that's a ring road round Dublin,are you camping or hotel,if camping there is a nice site at rush just north of Dublin,pm me and I will give you my cousins mob number he knows the south very well,and if you want a free brew call at my house lol,safe riding G
we did ireland on our honeymoon and it was ace.you just have to realise their idea of a motorway is the same as our bypasses and that an A road can be like a goat track.but its a fabulous place the roads are good and the people are wonderful.coming off the ferry in dublin is a breeze.even riding into dublin centre for our first night was easy and it was rush hour time dont get all in a knot just take it in your stride you will be fine.i was hoping to go back with some of the ladies off here but that all went pear shaped but hey ho enjoy its amazing x
did a thou miles over there a couple a few years ago, lovely place to ride round, if a tad expensive, if your comfortable riding on Brit roads, you'll be fine over there
I'm doing a trip to Ireland at the end of June . Ferry to Belfast then taking in Castlebar , Limerick , Cork , Kilkenny , Dublin and Lisburn . It's something i've wanted to do for a few years
Jacky if you a country girl there you will be a country girl here too so don't worry, sorry I can't offer any tips for off the ferry never done it meself from there in the last ten years, there's more experienced on this thread than me who have driven the roads so listen to them, however having been that way travelling there via car and pillion recently, the roads are cool and everything's a bit slower once you leave the city of Dub behind, just watch for all the friendlies waving at ya and make sure you take a drink or food off them who offer it or peeps get offended haha, you will love it x
The thing is to relax and not worry about traffic or getting around. ERI is a bit like riding in Europe as the EU has really made a mark on the road markings and signs.
The roads as said above are more like small dual carriageways down to small rural roads. As the EU cash has come in a lot of the roads have improved and easy enough to get around.
People are fantastic and very welcoming so if you ask for directions/help not be an issue. Make sure you get a cheap sat nav or something as worth its weight in gold when in a strange place.
My only gripe with being over there is the cost once you head South from NI but maybe me being a tight Scot lol
Hi all can I just say thank you for all the tips encouragement and support which helped me decide to go to Eire. We just got back from our week away . It was amazing . As a baby biker I am still in shock that I was able to do such amazing rides and have such a great time. Thanks all Ps thanks to my man too ! All those u turns . Lol . Xx
ha ha welcome to ireland jackyan its deffo an experience riding your own bike on their roads i totally loved it and hope to get back there either later this year or early next year glad you had a fab time
Go for it David ! The roads were lovely though I did keep getting us lost . The people were even nicer . The Guinness according to my guy was worth the trip on its own!