You ride what you like, there is no hard and fast rule that I am aware of that precludes trike riders from joining in the events. You have paid your subs and have full access to the site, and any events being put on are open to anyone. We have had car drivers turn up to the KISS rally before now so don't let someone elses prejudice put you off. We have trike riders among the membership so you are not alone, after all, what is NABD for? It is there to enable disabled bikers to continue to enjoy the freedom of having the wind in your face.
Feck them Morseman, ride what ya like, you will always get people who think they are better cos of this and that.... Nowt wrong with YBR125s, mine kept me running on my daily commute through rain and snow for 2 years and no hassle, whereas the heap of shite Kawi I have now is not worth the rust it is sitting on for all the road time it has given me ..... as I say 'ride what ya like feck the haters ;)
Take no notice their are several people on here who for different reasons have a trike and come to many BM events. I know many dont even have 2 or 3 wheeled transport on here hence why we have a Pilly Day .
oh for heaven's sake. I don't understand this attitude
It happens with moped riders, bikers that don't ride a certain bike, who dress in a certain outfit, don't camp, don't do this, don't do that. For god's sake people, just bloody well enjoy life, its too damn short to be judging others. In judging others you are only showing your own shortcomings.
Well said RB Take no notice of them I ride a Harley and a few of the members still talk to me. We also have a member who apparently has a basket on his bike
As the organiser of this event i am disappointed that somebody took it upon themselves to make comment on behalf of everybody, complete BS as far as i am concerned.
We have no prob what your mode of transport to an event is, and i for one want to say very clearly Trikes are more than welcome at any event.
As for JP and his harley, thats our attempt at care in the community :)
I don't think he was talking on behalf of the group. It was his opinion and I think he said he wasn't a full member.
Being very new to this group, I was just a bit concerned that people were just being polite and not mentioning that the group was for bikers. As I say, I could always use the 125.
Hope to be able to go again next year. It's only 12 miles down the road from me anyway.
Doesn't matter what you ride. Your here to ride that's all that matters. On every rideout I have been in we have always accommodated every class and size of biker. Yes we may pop off and have a few silly moments but we never leave a man down.
I know quite a few people who for one reason or another , all be it , age , illness or just they enjoy them, ride a trike and you can't get much more biker than these friends and some of the builds are mega, wouldn't choose one myself but who knows if I wasn't able to ride two wheels anymore,mayhap a monster trike might be better than giving up motorcycling altogether, so the moral of the story is as everyone else has said, feck narrow minded bigots
Thanks all, I was probably feeling a bit exposed after the remarks made by one person.
The reason I ride Esme (my trike) is that I can on my car licence. That seems to upset some people, who are not on here I would add, who seem to think that it should be only for bikers who cannot ride a bike, unless it's a car trike.
I did my CBT because I realised that the bike controls were different from a car controls.
Now I'm aiming for a full A bike licence, so I guess that then none of them can argue that I don't have the qualifications to ride whatever I want to...
Loch ness , year before last. Sam had a trike. He had a whale of a time. ya can't keep up with bikes in a run but as long as everyone knows the waypoints it's not really a problem. Plus we can send you for the fish suppers.