The chat room used to be really good . I dont know why its not used much now , Kaykat was going to try n get it going again x shame really , it used to be a laugh in there x
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Now all we got to do is get peeps back in there , it used to be great fun in there . Maybe Matt or one of the admin could send out a message to everyone to let them know its open x
Do you have to be a paid up member to use the chat room?....I've seen a couple of posts on there saying "free chat but still no one using it" etc but I can't without paying...?
I'm paid up until Nov 2017, but can't see that I've got any benefit that a standard member hasn't, I appreciate that I may have missed something, but if I haven't, why did I bother to renew again?
Please forgive me for being a bit dim :(
Any clarification on this one would be greatly appreciated Matt. Thanks
I'm standard member only now and cannot chat, not sure about sending nods 'cos I don't send 'em anyway, but I can still PM the usual peeps I always PM and post on the forums Lindsay. Think I would need to pay to chat and PM new people I haven't talked to before. Hope that helps