Just have a friendly chat, its difficult to judge the real personality from pics, you may get some spark you may not but it doesn't really matter, its just nice to have contact with somebody. Good luck.
Hi Cook1e Brave post, thanks for the opportunity to respond. One thing I would say is that we are all different so I can only comment from my perspective. My thoughts: - we are here for all sorts of reasons, not everyone is looking for a relationship. A proper read of a profile will hopefully give an indication - I'm still getting to grips with nods. In my mind I've now decided a nod is the same as a nod out on the road would be. If someone nods at me, I will now nod back. But I admit I haven't always done that as I didn't really know what to do to start with - I would always respond to a message, honestly. I make it clear that I'm not in the market for a relationship at the moment, but am really enjoying chatting to people. I tend to assume people are just being chatty/friendly unless the message suggests otherwise . - I can see who has looked at my profile and I can understand people might look two or three times and never contact. It's perfectly possible to click through onto a profile accidentally. I know, I've done it - by the time I've been viewed 5 or more times and still no contact, that feels a bit like voyeurism or even stalking... Hope this helps
Try not to lurk about on the periphery, enjoy the site and get out to events, rallies, rideouts. We don't bite (unless asked)
With regards to nods, we all seem to have different opinions of what their significance is. Here's a link to a previous thread, it may help a little; https://www.bikermatch.co.uk/sites/bm/forum/posts.asp?topic_id=12503&page=2
If memory serves, the nod was previously a wink, but by popular demand converted to a simple biker's nod... While a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, it shouldn't be viewed as a flirtatious move IMO.
Respond to nods & messages & be honest. This site is great for making new friends, finding out what's happening in your area (& further afield), and maybe sometime, you'll feel ready for a relationship, so you've nothing to lose
If memory serves, the nod was previously a wink, but by popular demand converted to a simple biker's nod... While a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, it shouldn't be viewed as a flirtatious move IMO.
Respond to nods & messages & be honest. This site is great for making new friends, finding out what's happening in your area (& further afield), and maybe sometime, you'll feel ready for a relationship, so you've nothing to lose
a) Yes - you can see Nods and Views (either way) by checking the panel right at the bottom of the 'Communicator' part of your Profile page. This will also show multiple views but it's only two weeks' worth of history. b) No - no-one is aware of who you've flagged as a Favourite.
TBH, I don't bother checking views as it really doesn't mean anything - it doesn't bother me who looks at my profile and I've usually got no idea if views are from guys or gals unless the forum name gives it away as I don't click on their profile in return. But then, I'm here for the friendship - I reply to all messages but put guys straight if it seems they're wanting more than that. I don't think any one has taken offence at that.
Sounds like you have the right approach, start a conversation - who knows where it might lead, have fun, be respectful, dare to dream.
Hahaha "With regards to nods, we all seem to have different opinions of what their significance is. Here's a link to a previous thread, it may help a little; bikermatch.co.uk/sites/bm/forum/posts.as...;page=2"
Sorry, that you are now more confused. I was trying to point out that everyone has a different take on the nod and that it really doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.
A nod is what it is ... Hi.
Don't over think it.
Also just checked out your profile, didn't nod as I wouldn't want to confuddle you any further!! Lol
Have to agree with others have put, be honest, nobody can fault you for that. But try to be diplomatic when replying to somebody who doesnt float your boat lol Best thingt o do is get yourself to a few BM attended events and you will soon feel comfortable and you never know you may find a Best Friend for Life :)
So u don't want a relationship yet u say ur new to 'online dating' err OK... Thankfully this is a chat site so u don't have to use it to try get dates and can just be here to chat or make friends : )
Don't overthink it Cookie. Just work on the basis that they are all barking mad on here except you and me... and I'm not so sure about you But I'm in the next dale to you so if your up for a ride out sometime let me know. Ditto camping, if your into that kind of thing. I'll be organising a few things through the year, first will be a weekend at Dent which a few of the inmates sometimes turn up too.