Dear Santa,when i wrote last year and asked for a willy that dragged on the ground,imagine my surprise on Xmas morning,waking up with no legs....Letdown Of Leonard Stanley :(
I'm concerned that I may be finding one (or both) of those huge, horrendous Santa n Mrs Santa gnomes (from the local supermarket) on my doorstep or worse still under the 🌲. They are the stuff of nightmares 😱
Dear santa, although I've been good this year, ;) please feel free to give my wish to another person more in need, as I have all I want 😊... Many thanks...
A simple request really... Can I please have a 'Time-Machine' so I can go back in time and apologise to my dad that I failed him as a son, and tell him "I'm sorry for how I didn't listen to his advice."
Hugh jackman in full wolverine kit , a million pounds and the ability for humans to actually stop being the thicker end of prejidicial, judgemental stupid and just simply accept each other for who each of us are irrespective of any differences and get on bringing the end to war, pain , starvation and drought.
I have a feeling the first two will happen before the third!