So is anyone up for a Birmingham night out along the lines of the Northern nights out ? I can do a bit of research and line up some decent pubs, probably ending up on Broad Street. Was thinking of April ? Any night for me as I have now retired from the madness that is IT . Let me know and i'll also have a word with the Midlands contingent. So plenty of time to decide. AJ
AJ depending on where your starting off, be more than up for meeting up with folk at the beginning of the evening but would give Broad St part a pass :)
Hi Debs. Had loads going on in my life, so have just rejoined BM even though I don't have a bike just now. So this night out, Fri or Sat (April 16th or 17th) Is this too soon. ? On April 16th in Boldmere (The Lounge), The Schemers are on. This is Jax's favourite band and I have become a convert as have several others. So if your around the Midlands area pop down, great night and free admission. So I wondered about sat night up town (Birmingham)....Would appreciate potential interest over the next few days ? I'm planning a recce some time next week to line up a few pubs. I cant recommend any hotels as I have no knowledge of that, tinterweb being your best bet I would have thought, unless Debs has any ideas/suggestions. ? I'll watch this space, let me know. Also if this is too soon, let me know, can make it after end of May as i'm away in May for a while. Cat fishing on the river Ebro in Spain. AJ
Hi I now have some dates to chew over for the Birmingham night out. To bve honest i was waiting for Jax to let me have her availability as she has some good ideas. So if you fancy this, have a look at your diaries for September 1st, 15th, and 29th. Thanks AJ