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Norway - Iceland - question re biking

Norway - Iceland - question re biking - Forums [Biker Match] Norway - Iceland - question re biking - Forums [Biker Match]
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Norway - Iceland - question re biking

 Posts: 8       Pages: 1/1

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Howdo Does anyone have any experience of biking in Norway and/or Iceland that they would care to pass on, hints, tips, do's, dont's, places to go, best way to get there etc etc Have a few cogs whirring ta

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ZZRpilot @ 12/01/2008 17:01  

went to iceland few years ago beers exspensive but uncluttered rds cos went late spring so still quite cold!lot of off rd tracks unsuitable for bikes inland but good rds around the coast i went in a 4x4 an stayed in hotells [but there is campin ]anhad a great time skiddooin whale watchin an husky sled ridin n the glaciers an off rd drivin,be warned yu can be driven of the rd as not much room on mountain tracks an icelanders talk on the phones all the time while recklessly drivin, but its expensive like all scandinavia not sure if i'd go on a bike, sweden an Norway probably a better bet on a bike.

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tangoman60 @ 12/01/2008 18:12  

Only know from mates that it's damn expensive compared to here!

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Di @ 12/01/2008 18:22  

I've only been round Norway by car, and that a few years ago. Brillant biking roads, though I'm only talking about those within a couple of hundered miles or so of Bergen. Not a country for covering vast distances in one go, though, and I believe that speed limits can be enforced zealously. Beer is costly unless it's of gnats-piss strength, but a bottle (or two) of duty-free whisky helps. Even if you don't drink the stuff yourself, it's great for making friends with the Norweigians, who really appreciarte it.

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Wills @ 12/01/2008 18:28  

thats right take some whisky or other spirit an your everyones best mate!

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tangoman60 @ 12/01/2008 18:32  

Hi I know Artic Rider does trips to pm him and ask him if he does trips to there?

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bikerchick1966 @ 14/01/2008 16:20  

I done Norway a few times the scenaries the best ever....It is more expensive but petrol is same as here and I camp and take my own booze. A group of us went this year....... you can see our holiday snaps at

there are no mways and the speed limit is about 50 so expect to do a leisurely trip.

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Deleted Member @ 14/01/2008 16:48  

Norway is supposed to be excellent for riding. I've only got as far a Sweden so far. Took the Chunnel and rode as far as Hamburg the first day, then up mthrough Denmark and over to Sweden. Can take the same sort of route for Norway or take a ferry direct and then start the ride.

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shooter @ 17/01/2008 19:54  

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