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General Chat/Anything Goes

Is there anyone that would go pillion in Essex?

Is there anyone that would go pillion in Essex? - Forums [Biker Match] Is there anyone that would go pillion in Essex? - Forums [Biker Match]
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Is there anyone that would go pillion in Essex?

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I have been on here for s while now and started to feel like no one ever really replies that much and just used it for rallies, but are there actually any women on here actually interested in going pillion just for rides and coffee with a guy riding a custom Harley Davidson trike?

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Gavinhog @ 18/03/2020 03:36  

Maybe you're not getting replies because you're married?
Not exactly a situation I'd put myself in.
I was chatting with a man recently, not a member of BM, it was actually on Facebook, a group of folk who went to the same school.

I joined and posted, and he contacted me and started chatting me up straight away, I didn't ask if he is married, naively assumed he wasn't.
We chatted for about a week when he told me he is married, still lives in the same house but have separate rooms, then told me they go on holiday together and family get togethers and that she's his soul mate and best friend.

What planet is he on? I can't imagine any woman putting herself in that situation.

No offence Gavin, just my opinion.

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Sandi @ 18/03/2020 18:08  

Bloody right Sandi.
Married/separated people who look to get involved with others are selfish. They want their cake and eat it. They should sort out their life and situation, tie up loose ends and get single before they mess with other folks lives. I should know. I got involved with one and when I asked why they hadn't divorced it was all about money and property.
Needless to say I walked and never looked back

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Deleted Member @ 18/03/2020 20:55  

Gav does state on his profile that he is married and "in an open marriage" so he's being open and honest, not trying to hide anything.

I know of a couple of BMers who have become an item after such a circumstances. They are very happy together.

Each to their own.
To answer the question of pilly. Yes, I would defo consider the offer, if you were in my locality and on the understanding that it was no strings attached i.e. no expectation other than friendship.

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Lindsay @ 21/03/2020 01:09  

Have and open marriage if you like but personally "I don't eat my dinner off of a dirty plate" if you take my meaning

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Deleted Member @ 21/03/2020 12:00  

Can we get this back on subject, Gavin's asked a simple question if there's anyone who want's to go for a ride?
He didn't ask for people to condemn or condone the fact he's married and been refreshingly honesty about it. which is more than some other members.

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Ragnar @ 21/03/2020 14:27  

My point exactly Rags.
Thank you 😊👍🏻

Good luck with the pilly offer Gav. 🍀

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Lindsay @ 21/03/2020 14:48  

 Posts: 7       Pages: 1/1

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