Never been into Sci-Fi stuff. Just not me. Tried watching but after first minute I just switch off.
Suppose people like their different genres and that's it 🤔
Last Star Wars film I watched was the very first one. I've never watched any of the sequels. Same with Star Trek. Watched the first ever series with Spock and co and that's it. Never bothered with the rest.
Best thing I saw was back in the eighties. Me and a friend were looking in a gothic shop in Leeds, and up on hangers, for sale, were reproductions of the original star trek shirts. All from the original series and in the different colours too. Never seen them since, but as a Trekkie fan I suppose you may be able to still get them 🤔
I like Red Dwarf and the original Star Trek, with Kirk & Co. Can't stand any of the newer ones, Next Generation and all the other spin offs. I like the films with Kirk and his crew as well, they were pretty good. As a kid I used to like Battlestar Galactica too.
Like a bit of star trek but red dwarf I need to be in the right mood for. At a rally once someone said we are borg you will be inseminated and that still makes me chuckle even now.
Oh I didn't forget Glynn, she ticks all the boxes for me. Beautiful, witty and brunette, couldn't and wouldn't ask for more. Although I do believe her star shone brightest in Farscape.