Pubs are not allowed to open up yet with people at the bar, however some pubs are doing off sales just the same way cafes are selling food from the doorway
Sandi,Real reason is that you'll need a good stiff drink after paying their inflated prices,lol....i have some clippers you can borrow,once i've finished with Baaaaabra and her sisters,ewe only have to ask..;)> P.S. Worzel Gummidge is there something you'd like to tell us??
Why are the government not putting the same effort into opening schools, colleges and universities as they are into pubs, theme parks and estate agents?
I've heard lots of commercial organisations pushing/lobbying to find a way to open. I've heard lots of Council run organisations or unions pushing/lobbying to find a way not to open. Not saying either is correct/incorrect - balance is probably somewhere in the middle. But Money is a driver. Many Pubs belong to chains and have the size to make a noise. Hairdressers are small independents mostly so take what they get. Also hairdressing is a personal service where distancing cant be oberved, wheras serving drinks in pubs it can.
Good point Jinx about inflated prices. Before lockdown they were charging £6 for women's cuts and £4 for men's. Hahaha cheers for the shears my dear. I do have proper hairdressers scissors but I ain't mullering my barnet. I'll wait.
As for Worzel, I said look like him, as in straw like hair, not the same gender. Lol
Gallowglass, I think it's lunacy sending kids back to school when there are still folk who are getting the virus, and there's no vaccine to give them for protection. I'd not be sending my lad back, but as he's 34 I think he'll be glad.
MikeBiker, good point about the social distancing situation with hairdressers.
Sandi- I agree; that's my point. Surely the time and effort should be put into education in whatever safe way can be found (and my son is a teacher so I have to admit a vested interest in his safety) rather than into pubs where virus safety is a non starter after a few pints, either in or out of the pub? Or are the Saturday night pish artists suddenly going to get responsible?
On my way home from town earlier today (shopping) I noticed a pub, that had recently been refurbished, had its doors open, and there were new wooden bench tables outside. All looked very nice, but then there were loads of drunks congregating. Not nice to see in a town centre in the day.
The harsh truth is that the economy can't stay closed any longer, and if it cost a few thousand more lives then so be it. The good news is that whether the infection goes up or not is down to each individual and their chosen behaviour- so the question is how dumb is the average person? I think we need to look at Covid 19 as we used to look at measles in pre vaccination days - if you caught it and where unlucky you died but most recovered. Will we ever have a Covid 19 vaccine? Possibly, possibly not, but even if we do there will be those antivax idiots... Measles is a good simile as cases (and deaths) are increasing due to antivax mythology in the west.
Sandi you need to listen carefully: the bucks will make a clicking noise as their knuckles drag across the floor and the hens often make a vocal screeching noise. There are other signs but these are less reliable: a tendency to wear football shirts, badly spelt tattoos, a vocabulary of less than 800 words (although this is often mitigated with the use of the word "fuck" between every other word), an IQ that a pheasant would be embarrassed by. Once you start looking all the little signs add up to allow positive identification.
Why all of a sudden everyone has to wear masks shouldn't that of been the case at the out break.Too efin little too late.The idiots up london don't have a clue what to do next.End if rant.I thank you.
.....but it's ok not to wear a mask in a pub or restaurant. Figures to date, on a 5yr average, are lower including every malady. I heard on the radio wool producers cant sell their fleeces because of a stockpile. Looks like there will be even more from all the sheeple.
The question GL is why didn't you wear a mask at the beginning? Because no one told you too? Because you didn't think it necessary? Because you were saving the limited supplies for those that need them? Some other reason? Some people did, if you thought it necessary nobody was stopping you.
Ah, so you didn't see the need you say, you haven't read the Guidebook for Covid (not yet written). The catch is those idiots in London don't have a copy either. Like it or not the world is making this up as they go along and the science develops. 20/20 hindsight is not going to help the matter, it foresight we need and I don't see any of the critics having the courage to stick their heads above the parapet with their advice.
I don't believe most of the masks available are going to do a great deal of good unless the wearer is clean shaven, the mask faced fitted and worn correctly. However they will do two very important things: 1. They will remind people there is a virus about, that everything has not gone back to normal. 2. They will stop people touching things that might be contaminated and then sticking their fingers in their mouth or nose - the biggest risk of infection.
And as we head towards winter thing will get even more interesting! But I'll save that for another rant.