Short notice it’s this weekend but I see it’s in the events calendar and there seems to be quite a few BMers there, I’ve spoke to the organisers and there’s still some tickets available so if you fancy a good weekend with other BM members get yourself there the bands are brilliant
TBH Bill, I'm giving it a miss this year, And I've been to all of them before this one.
There's few reasons for this. First it's a long boring ride up there and back on the A1M for me. 2, If their not the same bands, they sound like they are they have had before. I don't know if they are old or new bands this year. 3, The debacle with the food in the pub last year. Where on Saturday morning, they didn't have the stock, so by 9am people couldn't get a full breakfast, the evening was worst still. Apart from running out of things again, myself and many others waited an hour and half to two hours after ordering.
These things have marred a very good rally for me.