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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Thinking about 2025 events...

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Thinking about 2025 events...

 Posts: 11       Pages: 1/1

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It's cold and wet today at the beginning of July. And the nights are drawing in. 😨
It's time to start thinking about next years events. 🤔

I'm happy to do Easter up here again if people want, and as Easter is at a sensible time next year it would be Easter, not May.

For May I'm thinking of a trip beyond Hadrian's Wall, possibly to Moffat in the Scottish Borders. Moffat has Hotels, B&B's, campsites and the odd park bench by way of accommodation so all preferences and peccadillos are catered for.

The other May option (or possibly as well as) is a camp. Izzy's Balloch O'Dee was brilliant and justifies a repeat.
There is another biker friendly site out past Stranraer that might be worth a look.

That would give us a couple of Northern BM do's in April and May before the midge season.

Anyone interested?

   Update Reply
Steve_H @ 01/07/2024 12:01  

Cant say as yet but Im still hoping that we will get to 1 of the northern camps before I forget how to ride a bike lol.

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JP @ 01/07/2024 15:37  

I was thinking about trying Ardnamurchan campsite …

I haven’t been there yet but have heard that it is a good site. Possibly the weekend before Easter.

I’m still mulling it over.

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Lindsay @ 01/07/2024 17:33  

Easter in Teesdale is obviously a no brainer 🙄

I would be up for a Scottish trip if tentage isn't compulsory, maybe a night in the Teesdale en route to boot

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Strom67 @ 01/07/2024 20:57  

I've already put Easter on the events page.

Good idea about having a stopover here on the way to any Scotland do, it is a long way for anyone coming up from the south.
Although Moffat is only a couple of hours from here up the main roads the other options easily turn into a full day's worth of cross country foolishness. Actually so can Moffat if we go exploring on the way 🙂


Easter in Teesdale is obviously a no brainer 🙄

I would be up for a Scottish trip if tentage isn't compulsory, maybe a night in the Teesdale en route to boot🤔...

   Update Reply
Steve_H @ 02/07/2024 11:57  

God that takes me back. Sanna bay, wild camping, skinny dipping, sunshine, beer, nobody else about.
I expect it's full of camper vans and overloaded GS's now enjoying the solitude 🤣


I was thinking about trying Ardnamurchan campsite …

I haven’t been there yet but have heard that it is a good site. Possibly the weekend before Easter.

I’m still mulling it over.

   Update Reply
Steve_H @ 02/07/2024 12:13  

I have just realised that Easter Sunday will be on my birthday next year... I fear beer will have to be consumed 😔

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Strom67 @ 02/07/2024 12:15  

Teesdale booked 🍻🤣👍

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Strom67 @ 03/07/2024 11:55  

Hiya , yea i agree with Lindsay a wee trip up around Ardnamurchan would be brilliant , not fussed about times or wether its easter or not as escapisim on the bike anytime is good for that , just leaving it later till the weather is better would be ideal

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alpinab14 @ 04/07/2024 12:56  

I’m gonna have a quick conversation with Mother Nature to get her to ensure that all Weather Pixies are aware that a bunch of happy campers on motorcycles or in cars will be Northward bound.

I just hope they listen to Mother Nature! 🤔🙄

Any preference on timing I was thinking mid to late August

   Update Reply
Lindsay @ 04/07/2024 23:47  

If we tell Shaz May, he might be there by mid August 🤣


I’m gonna have a quick conversation with Mother Nature to get her to ensure that all Weather Pixies are aware that a bunch of happy campers on motorcycles or in cars will be Northward bound.

I just ...

   Update Reply
Steve_H @ 05/07/2024 09:07  

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