Because..... wait for it
.............................. They have just asked if I will do another job of similar type...........................IN THE SOUTH OF FRANCE.
I said no of
I must be doing something right. He he he
Slight prob though RC dates not set for certain yet.... and it might just overlap the 16th December.
Now let me see an evening on beer in cold wet Britain or a week on the vino in warm cosy southern France? Hard choice to have to make that isn't it?
But I am jumping ahead of myself, there may be no clash at all and I could do both...........
Now THAT would be super cool.......
You know something I think that I may just not go there and come and see you lot instead if they clash.
I wanna meet you all.
cos I lurve ya...I'm just a caring lurving kind of guy
way to go rube i would say stuff the derby outin an be on a plane for france in a jiffy
thats brill news an yep much better than iom well would rather go to iom in summer cos luv it there but this time of year not so good
And they want to fly me out there..... keep teling them that we have Hawks not 747's but they don't listen.... pmsl.
It may all come to nothing yet, have to wait and see.