OMG LC Party time once again, can't wait.
If I agree to get engaged, married or have a christening at this rally please please please LC save me from a re run of Cornwall.
mind you if a toy boy picks me up and runs off with me again across the rugby field don't you dare try and stop that.
Guess what this will be my first VSOC rally on my bike in 4 yrs wooo hooo, just hoping my arm holds out.
Oh CG i am away from Friday until Monday was supposed to be in Wales but it got cancelled so going to Avebury Stones instead with some friends was looking forward to you coming down this way as well
Mazza x
Party time again CG
Ride Safe down mate
Should be a good rally, usually very good organised.
Weve all arranged to go to Monkey World on the Sunday if you fancy the trip only about 2o miles away.
Well i say we, me and gary, and gary only because ive gone on and on about it.
Linda x
Ps.. Im cheating, comming on the back of Garys bike.
Went to the Isle of bute this weekend about 2o of us from c6 ant the cat club.
Rode up sat came home sun, god i was knackered, getting too old for long journeys like that.
plus too many motorways, no fun.
Linda x
LC talk about being fed up, I now have to go to the rally in my car my arm and back won't stand up to the journey on my bike. I was unsure about the ride but spoke to the physio this morning and she said no not until I have completed my physio treatment for my spine and also didn't advise I ride that far until I had also had the injection in my shoulder or the surgery.
I was so excited about riding there to, almost decided against going but knew you would cheer me up when we meet up so its worth a car journey just for that.
See you there.