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a query.....

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a query.....

 Posts: 8       Pages: 1/1

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so who knows the difference between a cb500s and a cbf500 and what might it ,they be?

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julie j @ 25/09/2008 15:17  

CBF is half faired isn't it?

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ghosthunter @ 25/09/2008 15:19  

mine aint, tis completely starkers!

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julie j @ 25/09/2008 15:20  

Sorry, the CB and CBF are basicly the same bike, the S is the half faired

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ghosthunter @ 25/09/2008 15:21  

CBF is newer as far as I can tell no other main differances Both the CBF and CBS come in both half fared and naked...oooer misus

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Hull750Rider @ 25/09/2008 15:24  

I think CB500 is a twin and CBF500 is a four, but I could be wrong.

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Deleted Member @ 25/09/2008 16:25  

cbf is def a twin, could be the other way round? someone must know

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julie j @ 25/09/2008 16:43  

If you do a google image search it doesn't really help as its pulling up naked and faired bikes. I can only go with my CB1300S. I have the faired version. The naked one is the CB1300F.

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bluesbiker @ 25/09/2008 17:14  

 Posts: 8       Pages: 1/1

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