I'm moving the servers tonight into one new server.
This is to fix the SQL errors initially and then the CDO mail errors once I've confirmed the move went ok.
The move failed in the past for various technical reasons but SHOULD be ok this time.
Photos cannot be changed or added tonight, and the site may be down for 1 or 2 hours at some point.
Sorry for the inconvenience and short notice.
well ive stopped the ability to edit/add photos now. I'm migrating the photos from the old server to the new server. As soon as they're all copied there will be a 10 minute notice period in the form of a banner on the top of every page. After that 10 minute period, the switch will be flicked and you'll be able to access the new server.
Should there be a problem, I'll probably be up all night reverting the changes lol. In fact, I might not give access to add/edit photos for a few hours AFTER the move to make my life easier when moving back (if necessary)
Any problems with the server tonight, please contact the moderator team and hopefully someone will be available to wake me up.
Photos will be available for uploading/editing in the morning.
Please let me know of any non-urgent problems via PM.
site is running fine it seems. Server is stable and happy :-)
I've fixed the email/CDO errors too.
For now i've enabled the EVENTS photos but you still cannot add or remove PROFILE photos until later today.
All photos are now available again.
Email/CDO Transport errors have been fixed by moving the email services to the new server.
I'm seeing the server running very, very fast.... but I'd like some feedback please, how are you finding the server today?