A reet Yorkshireman goes into a jewellers shop
"Nah then lad, canst tha mek mi a gold model o mi dog?"
Reckon as ow I can, would tha like it eighteen carat?
"nay id like him ateing a bone"
Dunt mither theesen Arf, dost tha not kna how to call in t'proper tongue? Tha mun tek lessons and do thi learning else as ow folk'll be thinking thee slow. Iffen tha thinks as ow im bad tha mun try calling wi Karey as shes from't place where folk tak reet proper Tyke.
....."tha mun try calling wi Karey"
hey up thas nowt like a gud call ...an we dunt mean 'call' as in Call of the Wild!!! ..we mean 'CALL' !! ok.. pronounced cal lol
pmsl...and im a Suvvern Bred Norverner......
Waits for Arf......... keep up lad ! innit
PMSL @ Vinnie - love it
errrmmmm...I'm from t'other side of thee 'ill.....the Red Rose County. However, 'ave been overt'border for many a year now & now evrywun from ova theer thinks am from ova eer & evrywun from ova eer knows am from ova theer!!!
Sithee Karey, tha mun keep an eye on yon HG, been as ow shes from t'other side o t'hill mebbe as she's a spy or summat. Appen as how she sin t'light an'all an lives in a reet gradely bit o'Gods Own Country tha can niver be sure wi a Lancastrian!!