my friend is talkng bout getting her tickets for the bull dog bash and seems quite excited bout it, has anyone else been and is it worth going to????????????
Hi LittleChick,have you got a tent? Or would you be just for the day? I've only got a cage but wud luv to go this year,it's a wicked event ,well wortth going but don'y want to go on my own .i'll go with you and drive no probs.Let me know ,
Hey,Thanks HG, i'll start taking this a lot more seriously now, i'll look on the ticket website tomorrow when i'm at work ( comp here at home is really slow) and p.m you, i've not got a tent, but can get one,i'm getting excited now even though it's a long way off! P.M you tomoz when i've read up on info,, thanks so much chick!!, I wouldn't go on my own either