I know it's late but if there's anyone nearby am off to Squires tonight - unfortunately not on Mavis though !! Geting a pillion & collecting Karey on the way.
Oh bugger - wish we seen this earlier (and your texts). We went on a little ride out for an hour after work (through Ryther - gosh that's a twisty little road!) and wasn't too far from Squires (well Geoff is never far from Squires).
Would have gone back out but we're still shattered from the 2000 odd miles done last week and the 5 hours a night sleep we seem to be have managed since getting back - really need an early night.
Hope you had a nice time xx
Heyyyy had a brill time! Cheers Dave and Stella!! Was even better when i could see his headlight in my mirrors instead of the sky !! heheheh Boy them lights are bright!!!
And it was blooming chocka there tonight.. thought OMG where the hell am i gonna park??? but found a spot! lol
Cheers agen Stells/Dave.. loved it .. :o)))) xx
hey Kaz - it ws a great ride out & you did soooo well - I was well jealous!! lol
btw- Ziggy's rattling again - you need to check your sprocket cover...either that or he was just singing at us cos he was happy
We had to stop 10 mins from home as Dave's fingers had seized up cos it got soo cold - he had to warm his gloves upon the engine bless him
oh - I hope we managed to persuade that woman with another ziggy to get out!! what was it her husband said - 250 miles in 3 years of having it!!!
Cheers Stella!
Yeh i heard the rattling too, it must be the sprocket cover.. forgot to have a look when i got home, will check it tonight.
Ive also been told to keep any eye on the back sprocket, apparently the teeth may be wearing abit as they're "soft" That lasses fella told me to watch it too.
Yehhh i couldn't beleive she had only done that many miles, will look out for her in future, will be good to see the twins together!!
I was freezing too, couldnt stop shivering, maybe it wasnt such a good idea to just wear a tshirt under my leather
Like I said, I'm probably going again tonight if you wanna go?
And hopefully Mavis will be fit again this weekend!!! fingers crossed