You agree that we, because we are human are more important than animals TM??? is that what's "well said"? And you agree that they should be slaughtered in any way, humane or not???
I think the artical more leans toward the survival of humans at any cost but the main point is that most animals killed these days are a crop grown for 1 purpose to feed us and to an extent other animals also. To argue we should not kill to eat is madness, the animals killed for food on farms would not even be here if they were not grown for the 1 thing they are here for (to feed us)
The writer does pay lip service to as we have to kill animals for food it should be done as humainly as possable, there is proof that animals who've had a stress free life actually taste better due to lack of adrenaline in their meat/by products. So that said it's not only in the animals best interest to kill quick and humainly it's in ours too.
Sorry but I am a meat eater and if that shortens my life because the human body was designed to eat leafs and nuts and berrys then so be it, we are a race of omnivours and our choice it to eat what we or our conciance allows.
i thought it was a interesting article,the main point being our rights come before animals,who would you put first your dog or your kids simple as that!! apart from the Darwin award winner's who drown tryin to save wretched dogs in rough water leaving orphans on the riverbanks or beaches !
I am a meat eater and certainly wouldn't save an animal's life if a childs life needed saving first, but surely it is up to us to kill animals in an humane painless way? They do feel pain and just because they are not human,have we the right to inflict unecessary pain, animals are just different and I wouldn't say they are "less intelligent" Define intelligence??
I agree with most said above...I love meat..but I do care about how the animals are reared and how they are treated...I do care that they are humanly destroyed..without any pain...whatsoever!
If pushed of course I would put my children before an animal...its my natural instinct to protect my own...
Ian I cant agree with you more..but we have to be politically correct and respect the different religious beliefs of others whether right or wrong....
In the "civilized" part of africa where i've just come from the bull (beast) is slaughtered with an spear or assegaai while the men are dancing and the woman ululating , this happens in urban suburbs , in the country areas its traditional for some tribal boys entering manhood to kill the beast barehanded , its horrific and happens frequantly in the name of culture and traditions , the appeasing of the forefathers...for good luck...for evading justice...marital feast...a wake , there are ongoing battles being waged by the SPCA ...which is regarded as a joke and laughed off. i agree some practices are extremely cruel but it wont be stopped.
I also am a meat eater, but I will only eat an animal that I would be prepared to kill personally, should the need arise................(being a farmer, I have despatched and butchered a fair few in my time).............therefore I will not eat veal, nor pate de fois gras......the methods of obtaining such meat are cruel and unnecessary when there is other food available.
Tango I shall never forgive you as you have forced me to agree with Littlechick!! Well partly, it's bad enough the conditions in which many meat animals are raised I see no reason to compound it by killing them in anything other than a humane manner.
As to intelligence that's a bit more debatable, pigs are damn smart critters but unfortunately for them they just taste so good.
I suppose the ultimate test of intelligence is that we raise and eat pigs rather than the other way round.