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General Chat/Anything Goes

For those who brought the carol book

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For those who brought the carol book

 Posts: 51       Pages: 1/3

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Thank you to everyone who brought the carol book, hope u have all had a good laugh and enjoyed it. If u would like it done again next Xmas pls post here.

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crafty gwen @ 26/12/2006 04:25  

Go on then............ why not.

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rubecula @ 26/12/2006 05:01  

yeah was a great book gwen well done hun u did good

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RC @ 26/12/2006 06:24  

Dunno if we can come up with all that stuff again, but willing to give it a go.

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rubecula @ 26/12/2006 08:24  

Sounds good to me Gwen, Well done for this year Edition

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Moxey77 @ 26/12/2006 13:14  

will give it a go gwen

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storm @ 26/12/2006 16:06  

THE BOOK Mkll On sale at all good book shops. and a lot of lousy ones too. From December 21st 2007. Be there or be Square.

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rubecula @ 26/12/2006 18:11  

I do have some copies of the book if anyone would like one they are £5 and then you can see for yourself if it is as good as everyone is saying.

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crafty gwen @ 28/12/2006 03:26  

yep got to say gwen u really did do a fantastic job, infact everyone did well done to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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RC @ 28/12/2006 05:10  

Next years has to be in hard back edition.... RC will sort that out for you Gwen..

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rubecula @ 28/12/2006 05:21  

geeeeeeeeeeee thanks mate luv u to

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RC @ 28/12/2006 05:24  

ROFL.................Don't forget the photographs you will have to collect of everyone during the year........

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rubecula @ 28/12/2006 05:34  

mmmmmmmmmmm some might have to be edited

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RC @ 28/12/2006 05:35  

Yeah. ahem............ not going to go that route RC.... "...and this one is BWB and RC on his bike... now how did they get the exhaust there? Looks painful though....." "......This one is Gwen..... MY GOD LOOK WHERE SHE PUT THE TINSEL......" "..... here's one of Storm...... hell of a way to eat a pickled onion....." "..... This photo is of Di......... now thats a novel use for rechargable batteries......" etc etc. No I am deffo not going that route....

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rubecula @ 28/12/2006 05:59  

rube what rou

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Oggy @ 28/12/2006 07:21  

rube what route you on about mate?? i've been flicking through the book & havent found one that hasnt caused a titter or two from me,well done Gwen.RC & everyone who had input into it,its very clever & very funny

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Oggy @ 28/12/2006 07:21  

yeah u got to post some this time oggy

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RC @ 28/12/2006 08:02  

titter ye not............

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rubecula @ 28/12/2006 17:55  

yep agree come on oggy you got all year to devise some so get ya thinking cap on mate, a pickie albumn would be cool with some wicked captions great idea rube, do one for the year when ya all meet up or go on ride outs cool

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storm @ 29/12/2006 04:47  

My god that would use some printer ink.............. Need an industrial printer for that............ or a very cheap to fill one at any rate.

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rubecula @ 29/12/2006 07:21  

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