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I used to use renapur on my old leathers and it was brilliant stuff. Having recently taken delivery of another set of very good leathers I want to look after them. So onto the renapur website I go to find a tub of the balsam is now £12!! Ok, small price to pay for keeping expensive leathers in good nick, but I am sure it was a lot cheaper than that half a dozen years ago or so at the NEC. And they claim to have kept their prices the same since 1994! So, does anyone know where I can get the stuff cheaper than this?

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geoffb2005 @ 30/07/2009 07:28  

yes, wait till BMF or Brum bike show Geoff! They always have a stand offering to polish yer boots for free to try and get you to buy the stuff but often you get double or treble the amount for the normal price of one tin and sometimes something else thrown in free!!! Im still using mine from 2 years ago so worth waiting or making do until then if you can!

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babyharley @ 30/07/2009 09:28  

I've even seen the Renapur people at the London Boat Show so they pop up at all sorts of events. The next BMF show will be Tail End in September if that's any help.

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Cataraptor @ 30/07/2009 17:41  

They show up at the country shows as well Geoff

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prof @ 30/07/2009 19:34  

I think "Jonesie" should be approaching her company for some donations of her products to the "Air Ambulance" raffle prizes Not only would it help our very worthy cause and raise the profile of her company but it would provide valuable feedback from some sensible people who would promote the value of the the product (if its as good as they claim ) I think its a good idea anyway, what do the rest of you think

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Emzed @ 30/07/2009 19:47  

ye i fink its a gud idea emzed

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drobess @ 30/07/2009 19:56  

Could always try this stuff Geoff. I have it for my saddles/bridles but i use it on my leathers too

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darkcarnival @ 30/07/2009 20:04  

...horses for courses then DC lol!? I guess we all have our fave trusted products which we like, stay with and recommend to others. Good idea Emzed, PR for the company and free raffle prizes in return - win win all round, thats the way to do it!!

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babyharley @ 30/07/2009 21:38  

emzed, Ooo so cynical! Yes my company distributes Leather Therapy but I have 500 product lines in the warehouse so I only take on an outside range if I think it's the best product available & offers genuine innovation, no point going into a crowded market otherwise! I worked as a pro rider after uni & you can imagine that riding 8 horses a day, all with their own saddles, bridles, boots and girths etc = an awful lot of leather kit to clean every day! I've used pretty much every product on the market. Renapur is one of the better ones, as is Effax & Kieffer but I found something that was technically better because of the science behind the range & delivers results so wanted to distribute it! I'd be delighted to put a bundle of goodies towards the raffle, also have another prize idea from my other company but will post on the thread to see if there's interest for that as it's not biking related.

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jonesie @ 30/07/2009 22:59  

Great news jonesie I'm very pleased to see you recognise the value of "word of mouth" product endorsement I'm sure the friendly bikers and the Air Ambulance service will show their appreciation in an appropriate way for your generous offfer After all the AAS has saved more then one "eventers" life and the horse riding fraternity in general have much to thank them for Cynic I may be but a realist also, and my years in sales and and marketing have taught me not to pass up an opportunity to scratch mutual backs Thanks again for your unsolicited and generous offer

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Emzed @ 30/07/2009 23:16  

Yep, eventing makes biking look like a safe hobby. Going off thread a little but I was interested to see the Yamaha boys testing airbags, a similar system is being used by a lot of eventers at the moment but it's pretty controversial.

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jonesie @ 30/07/2009 23:24  

I just knew you were a "sensible" woman So pleased that the "horsey set" appreciate the value of the AAS good on you jonesie for havin a foot in both camps After an episode as a teenager with my aunties horses I decided that I would stick to motorbikes The thought of being on something wheighing up to half a ton, with a mind of its own, over which I have little or no control, was enough to make my mind up

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Emzed @ 30/07/2009 23:32  

I don't my bank mananger is going to be too happy about another expensive way to spend money though

The horses are extra challenging at the moment as my stallion is being used at stud this season so the brain is totally focused on one thing only. So it's half a tonne of unpredictable creature brimming with testosterone.

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jonesie @ 30/07/2009 23:54  

My hat, both litteral and physical, is off to you young lady It takes "real" bottle to ride a big horse at anything more than walking pace and a stallion full of testosterone must be even harder to control Keep up the good work and I'm sure the bank manager will see the benefit of your "promotional" efforts I'm sure your product will find its natural place in the bike market. We could possibly have it on sale at our fundraising events (on a sale or return basis )

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Emzed @ 31/07/2009 00:11  

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