The primary school teacher goes into class and decides that the kids should stand up and tell their classmates what their fathers do for a living.
First little boy stands up and proudly explains his father is a fireman who rescues people and puts out fires.
The second stands up and tells everyone his father is a policeman.
And so it goes on... factory worker, salesman, shop worker.... etc etc.
The teacher notices little Johnny sitting quietly at the back of the class. This is very unusual (as anyone who has heard little Johnny jokes before will know) so the teacher goes over to Little Johnny and asks him to stand up and tell the class about his father.
Little Johnny shuffles to his feet and looking at the floor mumbles something nobody can hear.
"Speak up a bit louder Johnny" says the teacher.
"My dad goes out late at night and works in a strange club where he dances around a pole and takes off his clothes, sometimes he goes home with funny men and gets paid for it." Says Johnny.
The teacher is horrified. He takes little Johnny to one side and says quietly.... "Is that true about your father Johnny?"
"No sir" Says Johnny...."He really plays football for Liverpool, but I was too embarrassed to say it out loud."
sorry it's a bit pathetic...........
How about:
Liverpool FC have signed Michael Jackson..... apparently he likes being thrashed by a group of young boys.
yep gwen feelin a bit rough at mo, need a cake to cheer me up jaks decided to share his germs !!!!!
lol rube cakes dont sit in my cupboard long enough to grow !!!!!