Motorcyclists must remove open-face crash helmets to avoid ‘intimidating’ petrol station staff, a supermarket chain has said.
And riders must be ‘earthed’ before filling up to prevent risk of explosion, according to the bizarre policy statement from Somerfield.
The supermarket said: ‘We have to consider the feelings and views of our workforce who currently find being approached by someone in a helmet intimidating…
‘We also ask riders to dismount their bike prior to fuel being authorised. The reason for this is that when the rider gets off the bike it will cause any static in the clothing to earth, thereby reducing the incidence of flash while refuelling takes place.’
The policies were set out in an email to a customer who was ordered to remove his open-face helmet halfway through filling up.
Dan Moorcroft, 33, complained after the fuel cut off mid-flow while he filled up at the Somerfield Texaco station in Leamore, Walsall.
He said: “This is the first time I have ever been asked to remove my open-face helmet.”
A Somerfield spokesman said staff found riders in helmets intimidating “because they can’t see their face”. Asked about the policy on open-face helmets she said: “I don’t know what an open-face helmet looks like. I’m not a biker.”
The store said in a statement: ‘It is our policy to ask all customers at Somerfield petrol forecourts to remove helmets and other headgear.
'This is to help staff verify the age of the customer but also to help police with enquiries should they need to review CCTV footage if a stolen bike is driven into the petrol station, a bike is stolen from the forecourt or a customer drives off without paying for their fuel.’
Asked why a rider wouldn’t be earthed simply by putting his feet down, the spokesman said: “I have given you all the information I have on this.” He said the policy was “under review”.
We also asked how many fires had started in this way and were told: “I do not have access to any records which would allow me to tell you.
“Somerfield policy is not designed to discriminate in any way against motorcyclists but to ensure the safety of all our customers and staff members,” the spokesman added.
that's insane! "when the rider gets off the bike it will cause any static in the clothing to earth" haha, what idiot gave them that info?
I've only been asked in a post office, and i was buying 1 bloody stamp. And I'd already put the money down, but she still wouldn't give me a damn stamp.
"And riders must be ‘earthed’ before filling up to prevent risk of explosion"
tbh I always ignore signs asking to remove lids. If they insist, I let them know I won't be returning.
Have no problem removing my helmet when I am refuelling but then I am gorgeous and I want the world to see my glory...
(Seriously, as I said before when a similar thing was discussed, I can understand it can be intimidating for the cashier but have never heard about interupting fuel delivery as you were still wearing a helmet on the forecourt).
There is some basis for the static argument but depends on specific circumstances. Last week I watched a video from America of a guy filling up some steel and plastic containers whilst standing on the flatbed of his truck. Fuel vapours had collected in the flatbed, one of the containers discharged and WOOF!
(erm, he went up in a fireball, he wasn't barked at by a passing dog...)
The static usually discharges when you put your foot down to stop so we normally don't notice it. I usually don't take my lid off unless requested but I don't find it much hassle to do so, after all I am gorgeous.
Mm I never heard of static biking, news to me.
As for removing helmet, I have no problem with that but if someone is wearing an OPEN FACED helmet why should they remove it? Bloody silly, you can see their face properly in one of those.
This country gets worse with its stupid rules and regulations and all the bitching some folk do about simple every day activities.
'scuse me while I get permisison to breath, now who would I need to ask?
I've never been asked to remove my helmet, always go in to pay for fuel intact, minus one may be that my plated pony tails dangling either side gives a sence of security lol....
I won't be filling up at Somerfield/Texaco. Anyway, I don't collect their loyalty card points.
I was once repeatedly asked to remove my helmet at a Sainsbury's petrol station from some jumped up madam who had taken assertiveness training. I just said that I declined to do so and after she reluctantly completed the transaction, I thanked her profusely which really pi**ed her off. As a spectacle wearer, it's extremely inconvenient to remove a helmet and unlike other wearers of concealing head gear, I am required to wear it by law to do so while operating a motorcycle. I also fail to see how people can be intimidated if I am brandishing a credit card or cash when going into the cashier's. It makes as much sense as asking blaggers to leave their sawn-off shotguns at the door.
If forced to remove my helmet, in order to get out of the place, I'll be making such a fuss about removing my helmet and most of my other motorcycle clothing keeping other customers waiting in the process that they'll wish they hadn't done so.
pssst...ghosty.... I don't think Cataraptor is as gorgeous as us
Ah well, they say 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
(and I am trying to hold this bee without the little bugger stinging me!)
RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
25 years ago I walked into a building society to pay a cheque in with my helmet on. I was in the queue for about 10 minutes and as soon as I got to the window a frightened looking woman asked me if I'd remove my helmet which I did. I then saw all the staff give a huge sigh of relief and said they were all sitting with their fingers on the alarm button
I was oblivious to the panic going on behind the scenes so now I automatically remove my helmet before going into any building out of courtesy. I've been surprised to see people standing in front of a till with a helmet on and nowt being said to them. Helmets, masks, hoodies are all threatening to shop assistants as they're all tools of the trade!!
I have also been made to remove my helmet when filling up for fuel, I found this most annoying as i had already party filled me bike up and then they stopped the pump, I had to go into the shop to find out what woz goin on, and was told that they had asked me to take me helmet off over the tannoy system. My argument was..........well you started the pump so must of seen that i had me helmet on and also the fact that I couldnt hear the tannoy through me helmet.
I have soved the problem now as i always go to the pay at the pump pumps if they have them......sooooooomuch easier and hassle free