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General Chat/Anything Goes

BikerMatch forums are not Twitter v2

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BikerMatch forums are not Twitter v2

 Posts: 52       Pages: 1/3

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Please understand that the BikerMatch forums are not your personal bulletin board for every fart and burp you make. It's not twitter! For those of you wanting to let everyone know what you're up to today, etc... go in the chatroom. That's where the chit-chat needs to be. The forums are again becoming full of spam and junk, and I'm getting lots of complaints about it. Thanks

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Matt @ 16/11/2009 23:13  

ohhh Matt i am a lady (!) i don't do that!!!

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anneka56 @ 16/11/2009 23:14  

then why have so many different threads covering all aspects of life matt, we have been here before ???

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Deleted Member @ 16/11/2009 23:16  

Please understand that the BikerMatch forums are not your personal bulletin board for every fart and burp you make... Oh bugger, I was hoping to get my karma up, now how will I manage?

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Sandi @ 16/11/2009 23:20  

pm sent matt !

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Deleted Member @ 16/11/2009 23:21  

This is coming from the majority of forum users who are sick of the one-line, one-word answers to every topic, or people posting generally everything about their lives. Please keep it to the chatroom. Hopefully if we all keep this kinda chat to the chatroom then the chatroom will actually get used more also

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Matt @ 16/11/2009 23:35  

think we are all guilty of it, but dont know how you will stop thread going off track...even a straight forward one about baffles started to go off track....

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Deleted Member @ 16/11/2009 23:41  

as a chat room user it seems to be the same lovely people in there all the time but others do pop in.....having said that it is hard to pop in and say all you want to say when we are all jabbering on ..... so the forums are used when you want to say /or add to a thread ...omg it's a hard one

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anneka56 @ 16/11/2009 23:41  

some of the things being dumped in the forums at the moment though are just ridiculous. Topics going off in another direction is one thing, but posting about your neighbour painting his door last weekend just isn't necessary

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Matt @ 16/11/2009 23:57  

hmmm ok yeah i can understand that

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anneka56 @ 17/11/2009 00:03  

Have to say that I'm a bit confused now about what the forums are for??? cos they do seem to cover alot of varied topics, and yes some of them do get abit silly, but hopefully its all lighthearted banter cos it is after all supposed to be somewhere to make friends I keep looking at the chat room, but don't feel confident enough to jump in there, ....YET! cos like anneka says it does seem like everyone is just jabbering on (no offence intended), and it's hard to follow what people are on about if there's more than a couple of them. at least with the forums I can read what people have put, take it in and post a reply if I feel it's relevent to the topic. so HELP ......PLEASE???? cos I'd like to keep contributing to the forums without offending anyone until I feel ready to dive in to the chatroom

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mandi jay @ 17/11/2009 00:09  

mandi don't feel afraid to join in the chatroom, yeah a lot of jabering goes on but also a lot of help, advice and friendship can be found on there. Look forward to saying hi to you in there real soon.

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Cruiser gal @ 17/11/2009 00:15  

wot are we sapose to do then just sit and wait tillsome one puts something on and then contribute or can we allso speak up i dont see wot the fuss is about

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WheelyNealy @ 17/11/2009 00:15  

mandi,give the chatroom a try, there is often a few convos goin on but just jump in and say hi, we are all freindly in there and although we do waffle on a bit and sometimes loose the plot but you will get the jist of it. It is always nice to see new peeps in chat, you and any other peeps will be more than welcomed

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drobess @ 17/11/2009 00:15  

Don't worry about it mandi jay I don't think Matt begrudges us our 'banter' I think he just doesn't want our 'drivel'.

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Sandi @ 17/11/2009 00:16  

That would surely depend on the context matt. If it was just an observation then yes. But if while painting his door he tripped and poured paint all over the copper who had just stopped said observer for speeding on his fire blade. I would find that funny. I'd also find it funny if someone got burgled cus they'd posted on here every week for the last 6 months where they were going to be every weekend. without the burgaling bit it's just gets tedious.

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bluesbiker @ 17/11/2009 00:16  

PML @ Blues (ya lickle stirrer you)

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Sandi @ 17/11/2009 00:18  

here we go round the merry go round agian !

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WheelyNealy @ 17/11/2009 00:19  

Thanks ladies . might try chatroom out tomorrow. right now I need some shut eye, work tomorrow . night x

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mandi jay @ 17/11/2009 00:20  

here we go round the merry go round agian ! LOL and there we go with our one liners Oops!

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Sandi @ 17/11/2009 00:21  

 Posts: 52       Pages: 1/3

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