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BM Website Issues/Help Requests

New website design coming this week

New website design coming this week - Forums [Biker Match] New website design coming this week - Forums [Biker Match]
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New website design coming this week

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Maybe even this weekend if I can make it fast enough. Stick around to be the first to see it and give me your opinions

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Matt @ 09/01/2010 15:07  

oOOOOOoo new & shiny things

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Holmfirthgirl @ 09/01/2010 15:10  

Can you make it so the forums work on Mac/Firefox please?

Can't post using Firefox today (just posts a blank post - see "when car drivers make you mad" thread). Haven't been on for a while, so don't know if it's a new issue.

Can't stand Safari, but it's the only way I can post on the forums today.

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Wannabe @ 09/01/2010 15:29  

The site should work fine on Macs. Try sending a PM to yourself, see if that works

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Matt @ 09/01/2010 16:16  


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Sandi @ 09/01/2010 16:25  

It's not working with Firefox - it brings up the reply box (forums or PM) but you type away and the screen remains blank, with the cursor stuck in top left corner.

It lets me post the blank message on the forum & it works with Safari, just not with Firefox.

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Wannabe @ 09/01/2010 16:36  

Well come to my world Lou ... when I use my mobile, which has windows mobile on it I have the same issues :-( Lets wait & see what happens & keep fingers crossed that our systems like the new stuff

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Deleted User @ 09/01/2010 16:37  

Meanwhile...back at Reality Ranch Aww soz Wannabe, hope it works ok when it changes to the new design.

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Sandi @ 09/01/2010 16:39  

Trying to change the design over now. Note: its not changed on the new look, ive only changed some graphics, layouts etc. The reply box is still the same. WB/Shell: If you use firefox, does the text editor look different than if you use safari?

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Matt @ 09/01/2010 17:53  

I need to know if the website is TOO WIDE for anyone. Just view the homepage and see if you get the horizonal scroll bar at the bottom of your screen. If you do, then please go to and give me your screen resolution. Thanks

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Matt @ 09/01/2010 18:11  

WOOOAAAA!!! have just hit refresh & the new design came's BIG & the scroll bar is still on the right for me Matt.

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Holmfirthgirl @ 09/01/2010 18:14  

Thought I had went to dis site hope it dont change to much I hate trying to find my way round new stuff on computers

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micksaway @ 09/01/2010 18:14  

I'm all for more width

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darkcarnival @ 09/01/2010 18:25  


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anneka56 @ 09/01/2010 18:27  

the scroll bar should be on the right, thats fine. Im only concerned if its at the bottom, i.e. u have to scroll left-right to see the website. Mick, nothing is changing... just the colours, size, etc to make it more modern and more up to date with standard websites

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Matt @ 09/01/2010 18:30  

wow, that threw me Matt lol! Its widescreen pmsl!!!

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babyharley @ 09/01/2010 18:47  

Matt i got the scroll bar at the bottom of my screen but aint got a clue as to wot the resolution of my screen is, its looking so far tho, well dun you, also its nice to see faces of people I have met at the top of the screen< i looked but I aint in the pik....prob for the best

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drobess @ 09/01/2010 18:52  

cool more room to write more crap chers Matt !!

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WheelyNealy @ 09/01/2010 18:53  

Cheers Matt your a star It is a lot easier to read

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micksaway @ 09/01/2010 18:55  

I wasn't on that ride out either Tracey lol

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Holmfirthgirl @ 09/01/2010 19:07  

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