To all for future ref'
When you submit an event for entry in the calendar please take notice of the date that the event is taking place.
I won't put an event in the calendar if the date is for 'today'. It doesn't make any sense.
Please don't submit events in CAPITAL LETTERS, it's time consuming for me to retype them.
Also... any event without an address, post code or DATE will NOT be accepted. Where on the calendar would you suggest I put an event that doesn't have a date? lol
Behave, I'm good but not that good
RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
Kwak i'm planning on organising a trip to the moon. I've contacted Royal Mail and they wont give me a post code so are you saying I can't post the event?
Repeat posts 1 and 2
Please make sure you alter the date on the event submission form.
It's set at 'today's' date, whatever the date happens to be when you submit it, so it needs altering to the actual date of your event.
According to Royal Mail, Santa's address is: Santa/Father Christmas, Santa’s Grotto, Reindeerland, SAN TA1( there's no excuse for that one.Gary.
Please check first that the event you're about to submit is not already on the calendar. I deal with so many events it's difficult for me to remember (memory span of a gnat) what I've already entered.
I'm BUMPing this topic cos folk are still not filling in the details correctly.
THE DATE NEEDS CHANGING!!! it's set at 'today' so you have to enter in the date of the event that you're submitting for entry to the calendar.
Just change the piggin' date, alrait!? lol
How many more times? Kwak asked, frustratedly
You will have to alter the date of the event you are adding to the calendar, it has a standard preset date which is always set at 'today's' date. IT NEEDS CHANGING!!!!
If you don't change the date your event will be deleted! No exceptions.