Thanks for the laughs the last two and a half years you lot, it's been a blast but it's time for me to move on again. May catch you at a rallies this year, got a few in mind so ride safe, carry on with the laughs and dance like nobodys watching, cos you can guarantee that Pagan will be there with his camera to record it for posterity !!
going to miss you lot, love Nut xxxxx
If you're gonna miss us that much, then don't go! Just take some time out and peep out of your little squirrel's den at what's going on around you, but keep quiet about it. You can always disable your profile to keep inquisitive folk away.
But whatever you do, you've got good friends on here and you can't get shot of us that easily! Good luck and see ya around
Hey Tracy, where you going? lol I've not been around much lately but I'm starting to get myself in order and get back on here.
Im sure we will meet up at rallies etc.. whatever you're up to ..have a good one..and take care
Kaz xxxxx
hey nutkins where ya goin, where eva it is you cant go cos we wont let you, like others have said, just take a back seat n watch 4 a bit then come back wen ya gud n ready to
Always here for you kiddo ... you know its not going to be 27 years before we get it together again
And you just KNOW how deep the poo will be if you dont text me reg
I echo all the good luck wishes and sorrow at you leaving as everyone else that knows you Tracey. You take good care, think positive and be happy whatever you do and whoever you meet. You know how to reach me if you need to and I will definately be riding up your way when the weather improves so have the kettle at the ready and the cookies baking lol! Stay safe and well always
Much love