Isnt it great??? I went for a run out yesterday afternoon with a friend up to Devils Bridge, and had a fantastic time. Its only the 6th time i've got on it this year(disgraceful i know) but what a buzz! I dont know why, but it just felt fantastic. There was none of my usual no-confidence stuff at all. I was absolutely flying! Couldnt wait for the next bend and everything! The bloke i was with had never seen me ride, so before we went i did the usual pep talk of 'i'm crap at corners and shit slow' and even surprised myself, never mind him. He was gobsmacked when we got there, said he had to try to keep up with me at some points. All this from a bloke who used to instruct, done all the courses under the sun etc. To say am proper proud of myself is an understatement. I didnt go out to try and impress, just rode to my limits. Never once did i have an 'oh shit' moment. To be told that i'm a good rider and in another few years will a 'fookin amazin rider' has made me smile for 24 hours. It probably seems like nowt to you lot, but to me its a major achievement!Just to show Jason my appreciation, i bought him a new plate and christened him properly with his name on his screen
Nice one Dc glad you enjoyed your day sometimes it makes a big diff when you not been out for a bit you seem to forget all your worrys and just jell with the bike so good on ya
be safe jp
Jason is always a good boy Terry, looks after his mum(knows what side his bread's buttered more like). I have noticed though, that if i dont ride for a while, i sort of lose the will to get on it. But once i force myself to get out on it, i want to go out on it all the time. Maybe its just me, but since that ride i want to ride 24/7. Roll on next week is all i can say!
hahah.. nice one Steph!
You're doing really well with Jason, You'll breeze it down to Cornwall, you'll be off abroad next.. after Scotland of course!!
I get like that with Ziggy.. leave it for a week or so, and think 'I can't be bothered' then get misen out on him and the 'Grin Factor' kicks in .. even tho he's only a little bike and he has his problems...I still love the feeling of riding about.
Went over to Squires last night.. on my own..met some others there, but thoroughly enjoyed the ride over.. the atmosphere ( i reckon there was around 1,000+ bikes there last night ) and the ride home, even tho there was a fatality which one of the lads we know witnessed... just made me ride home with a bit more thought and concentration.
DC Well done, as a rider of some 20+ years I too know what it feels like to be at one with your bike. My first experiences of a Gixxer 750 scared the living daylights out of me. Now, some years on I can keep up with most of them, have few scary moments and am very happy to lead a group. I now have a Gixxer 750 again and won't part with the thing and have no scary moments.
As for needing sliders soon, I have never been able to get my knee down but can still ride faster (on roads and tracks) than those that can. I believe its all about your riding sstyle, so don't worry too much about getting your knee down. I get the bike well over but never had to get my knee down.
Well done DC,nice to hear you got the bit between your teeth and went for it,greatest feeling in the world when everything goes as it should,hope you have more good days,on a slightlygloomy note,over confidence can hurt,but i am sure you are more then sensible to realise that,carry on having fun DC.