Not had a bike for a while, - spend way too mich time on facebook and slowly go mad in my case. Got fingers crossed I'll be able to get another bike later in the year.
Happy Jack, such a sad thread... hope you find your spares soon.. without a bike don't want to go there! Lost mine for 2 weeks after a car driver decided he wanted the exact peice of road I was using while waiting for the lights to change, had to get the fekin train until I could rotate my neck again.. and find a replacement. but happy happy now..
I would be sitting at home going mad and pulling my hair out, i would use my car but it guzzles juice so i guess i would be pulling my hair out and being on facebook lol.
You'd think it'd work that way Kwak, but I've had so much grief for being out all day today, despite the fact my kids were all out doing stuff themselves, that I'm wondering if it's worth it!
God help me next weekend at Barmouth. I've organised being without them but now I'm having doubts cos of the aggravation I know I'll get when I get home. Kids!
lol yes mine are ok about it as they are getting older and doo much their own thing. Two going off to uni in sept but the ones that still live with me are all away with their dad at the weekend so they happy me happy.
I hope they dont give you too much much hassle. You love em really :)
You'd think it'd work that way Kwak, but I've had so much grief for being out all day today, despite the fact my kids were all out doing stuff themselves, that I'm wondering if it's worth it!
Well how selfish is that of them? Sorry no offence but if they aint home what's their problem? I think they just feel insecure, mum's not at home waiting for them to return like she usually is, yea?
If they are late teens / adult it's time for YOU so don't feel guilty. I'm sure they know that you will always be there for them no matter where you happen to be, that's what mothers do.
I'd raise an army of squirrels and hedgehogs and take over the world. Once I've done that, I'd eradicate bad weather and car drivers and make the world a huge motorcycle playground
No Kwak, they aren't even in their teens yet - not till October for the eldest, but she's out with her friends all day, the youngest was with her dad and the middle one joined her in order to go out somewhere special, so I would have been at home on my own all day.
There at that age where mum isn't allowed to give anything else her attention. Bless em