It does strike me as rather odd that most big retailers don't put all the 'mens s' stuff in one logical place, FOR EXAMPLE, beer and burgers, squirty cream and curry sauce,you know, that sort of thing on one long isle, as most (single) blokes don't rate shopping to highly, it would interesting to see what such an isle would have on it and why!
Never happen they spread things out to force you to walk past things you may impulse buy! Even putting the cheapest items out of eye level as they know most of us only look at the area immediately in front of us on a set of shelves!
Morrisons ALL their budget range tends to be along the bottom shelf!
Same with Tescos although the big one in St. Stephens in Hull has an isle dedicated to it's "Value Range"
it would have to have pepsi max as i am an addict to the stuff. and maybe chicken breasts. now now, but all i cook these days is curry for myself. thats when i can be arsed to cook of course.
That would be an awesome isle. It would contain only the best action DVD's, Curries, Nuts, TV's and as alway said all the beer and alcohol! It would take half the bloody time to get in and out that way! ha-ha!
Okai from what i've seen of my male friends the aisle should have:
1) Beer / alcohol
2) Microwaveable Ready meals
3) Socks & Boxers
4) Snacks
5)A housework robot !!
Oh what about ladies you can hire out for the day to do certain things...and no I don't mean brothel based the washing and ironing. etc. ha-ha!
lmao.. u guys seriously need to find a chick!!!!!
being single isnt doing your macho image much good "what macho image you ask"?? yes.. i was just thinking the same thing!!!.. deffo not a cool thread guys!!! hehe!!!
Well this is easy!
1: grumble mags
2: grumble flicks
3: tissues ( man size )
4: cheesy wotsits
5: microwave meals
That was easy!
Note to self: Must get out the house more!
Oh excuse me kendress I thought you were refering to the aisle when you put 'men only' in the title.
I didn't realise it was replies from men only.
Nar, sod ya, I aint telling ya what cheesy wotsits and latex gloves mean, so there (I'll PM ya)
lolz im GL.. last time i checked... haha
nope karl i dont like shopping... bit of retail therapy for shoes is cool but other than that its boring!!!! lol
omg palm sunday journals ~ not heard that reference before lmao i think there's a lot of "thomas the tankers" online
hi gd(got it wrong must remember not gl!) hi kwak.
what on earth do you think w.w.w stands for, other than world wide wers!
lets close the subject matter and get back to the shopping isle
right 5 items in a men only shopping isle....
1. bananas (titter ye not) great simple food, doe'nt require any expertise to prepere or serve.and the skins can be used to polish any shiney metal a treat, great on alloys.
2. beer and burgers self expanonatory. 3.curry sauce and squirty cream and shaving foam-just don't get the later two mixed up. need i aloborate?
4. dictionary for words i can't spell.(see above)
a big sign with home shopping telephone number/website address so you don't have to d*ck about in there in the first place!