Someone shared this on Facebook but then I couldn't find who (disappeared after i watched it), so sorry if it was someone from BM but I'm stealing it and sharing it now.
This video is absolutely hillarious.
The video actually reminds me of the first Biker Match Christmas party nearly 4 years ago... the walk back to the hotel with Laura, Oggy and a couple of others... particularly OGGY!!! What a star that guy is lol
Ok here's what I mean about Oggy...
There he is on the left!
We walked for about a mile kicking an ELF'S SHOE all the way to the hotel...
We then continued to take it into the hotel, where Oggy was subsequently shouted at by the hotel staff for playing football in the reception area with a messed up Elf's shoe haha...
Often Oggy and Mox didn't make it very far...
More fotos:
How long is it since I was in that state, oh must be at least 5 days lol!
Ironic that the camera man has a string of rosary beads. I guess they are for show cos he's obviously not the good samaritan!